Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Parts of Complex Numbers
Determine the real and the imaginary parts of complex numbers.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 1.5 From Quadratics to Complex Numbers
This section introduces imaginary and complex numbers in the context of solutions to quadratic equations that don't have real-number solutions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra Ii: 1.6 the Complex Plane
This section includes operations with imaginary and complex numbers and plotting numbers on the complex plane.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiply & Divide Complex Numbers in Polar Form
Given two complex numbers in polar form, find their product or quotient. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Powers of Complex Numbers
Simplify a power of a complex number z^n, or solve an equation of the form z^n=k. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: The Complex Plane
Contains a lesson and practice exercises about complex numbers in a complex plane.
Stanford University
The Complex Plane (Standford University)
Contains both general and detailed information about the complex plane.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Complex Numbers
The world of complex numbers is explored through mini lessons, interactive examples, applications and demonstrations. Topics covered include definitions, basic operations, graphing, different forms of complex numbers, products,...
Johan Claeys
Math Abundance: An Introduction to Complex Numbers
A complete explanation of complex numbers that includes lessons on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them, as well as more advanced topics.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiply Complex Numbers (Basic)
Multiply complex numbers by single terms that are either real or imaginary. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiply Complex Numbers (Basic)
Multiply complex numbers by single terms that are either real or pure imaginary.
Math Words
Math Complex Numbers
At, a definition is given for what complex numbers are, along with some examples.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] A collection of resources for learning about and practicing how to multiply and divide complex numbers.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Classifying Complex Numbers
This lesson helps young scholars distinguish between strictly complex numbers, strictly real numbers and strictly imaginary numbers while learning that real numbers and imaginary numbers are subsets of the set of complex numbers.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Graphical Representation of Complex Numbers
A description of the complex plane is given with examples of how to plot complex numbers. Also included is an explanation of how to add complex numbers graphically.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Powers of the Imaginary Unit
Simplify expressions with base i (the imaginary unit) raised to a positive exponent.
University of Toronto (Canada)
The Origin of Complex Numbers and the Notation "I"
Contains a brief summary on the origin of complex numbers.
Math Open Reference
Math Open Reference: Number
Resource defines numbers into two main categories, counting numbers and scalars. It also gives examples of number notation.
Math Words
Math Complex Plane
Contains the definition and a picture for what a complex plane is.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Square Root
This math site from explains what a square root is including information on imaginary numbers and many links. This site also addresses the continued fractions of positive real square roots, in particular the square root of...
Math Open Reference
Math Open Reference: Real Number
Learn about real numbers with this helpful reference tool. Provides a detailed definition and an interactive activity that enhances further explanation. Includes links to related topics.