Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Drawing Conclusions
Read a literary text paragraph and then answer questions that require the reader to draw conclusions from the text in this nine-question quiz.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Writing Center: Organizational Problems
This Indiana University of Pennsylvania Writing Center article provides tips to help students with essay organizational problems. The article suggests that students look at the essay's introduction, thesis, transitions, body paragraphs,...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Analytical Papers: Organization
This slideshow tutorial focuses on organizing an analytical paper; it defines analysis and outlines the basic five- paragraph essay format. It discusses what goes into the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. It...
Grammarly Handbook: Conclusion or Summary
This Grammarly Handbook resource explains the purpose on writing a summary or conclusion of an essay. Brief "how to" tips are provided for writing a summary or conclusion to an essay.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Closing Up Our Writing by Summing Up the Main Ideas
In this lesson plan, 5th graders will write a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the main ideas of a research essay.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Process: Organizing
This lesson plan focuses on the organization of your paper including how to write a thesis statement, the elements of an effective paragraph, patterns of organization, transitions, and conclusions. It also provides a video of the Toulmin...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Organizing an Exploratory Essay
This handout focuses on organizing exploratory or inquiry essays including the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. W.11-12.2 Informative
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Writing the Body of a Research Paper
An excellent tip sheet on how to write and create the bulk of a research paper: the body includes in-depth information, examples, as well as links to earlier steps in the process such as thesis statements, notecards, outline,...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions
This handout focuses on what an exploratory or inquiry paper is and how to write the introduction including the questions you need to answer and setting the context, stating why the main idea is important, and stating your research...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concluding Transition Words
This lesson goes over conclusion transition words and how they are used. It is one of three titled "Concluding Transition Words."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concluding Transition Words
This slideshow lesson focuses on the use of concluding transition words; it defines transition words and lists the categories. It explains when and how to use concluding transitions, provides a sample list of them, and offers sentence...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: "How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay" [Pdf]
This is a nine-page PDF entitled "How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay" which explains in detail the parts of a literary analysis and how to write them.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Writing Basics
This site by University of St. Thomas focuses on the basics for writing any paragraph. It is developed in outline fashion and is very easy to follow. This site provides a basic overview of the process of writing without going into a...
University of Richmond
University of Richmond: Transitional Words and Phrases
This site has a list of transitional words and phrases organized by their function in a sentence or paragraph. Because they are organized under such headings as "providing an example" and "showing conclusions," it is easy to find an...
Frist Art Museum: Before We Visit the Museum [Pdf]
In this lesson, 5th graders are asked to examine the rationale behind a class visit to a museum or other cultural center, what happens during such a trip, and why museums have rules in place for their visit. After exploring images of the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Picture Book Writing Lesson: Pros, Cons, and Interesting Hooks
Inspired by the picture book How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long, an enthusiastic tale that explores the pros and cons of being a pirate, students will research an interesting job and prepare to write about it. While researching, the...
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Writing an Introduction
A tip sheet on how to write and develop an introduction to a research paper.
Livingston: Basic Guide to Essay Writing
This tutorial lists and discusses the steps to writing a good essay and provides a downloadable guide. It also allows you to view a sample essay. W.11-12.2a Intro/Format
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Principles of a Composition
Writing a Paper? Here at the Capital Community College is everything you could ever ask for while preparing your essay. This site includes the writing process, structure, thesis statement, transitions, the computer as a writing...
Quia: Word Choice and Tone Quiz
This interactive series of questions assesses students' understanding of the impact of word choice on the tone of a passage. Students will identify the correct tone used in sentences, paragraphs, and poems.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Contemporary Nonfiction: Jfk Speech
This lesson focuses on John F. Kennedy's speech, "We Choose to go to the Moon," delivered at Rice University on September 12, 1962. It features links to JFK's biography and Wikipedia entry, the National Geographic: "Moon 101" video, the...
Pbs Learning Media: Everglades
In this video segment from WILD TV, a scientist in the Florida Everglades talks about her research on the pig frog. [6:25]
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Show What Your Mind Sees
This writing activity asks writers to make use of both showing and telling as they create a well-organized paragraph of description. After reviewing showing versus telling by building a writer's notebook page, each writer will show what...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Literature Inspired Writing Lesson: A Time Traveler's Log
Students will read chapter four of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, noting both the time traveler's descriptions of the new world of 800,000 ACE, and the conclusions the main character draws as a 19th century man. Students will think of a...