Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Zoom Astronomy: All About Space
A fantastic collection of information about the solar system. Includes information on all of the planets, the moon, the sun, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and stars. Also find puzzles, a dictionary, quizzes, classroom activities, and...
Nasa: Spitzer Science Center: Story of Stellar Birth
Under the heading, "Story of Stellar Birth" this site examines specific details of an image displaying the apparent life cycles of young stars in the Cepheus constellation.
Ministerio de Educación (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Astronomia Visible
This site has maps of the nearest stars and constellations. Earth and star daily rotation, proper motion of the stars and many other topics about the solar system are also shown.Read phonetically
Seds Usa: Charles Messier
Charles Messier (1730-1817 CE) is credited for discovering 13 comets. He also began the Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters. This catalog as well as a great deal of information on Messier is available here. The Messier objects are also...
Hong Kong Space Museum
Besides an introduction to exhibitions and events at the museum, the site provides a guide to stargazing, an astronomy FAQ, space news, virtual tours (see site map) and research resources (including Chinese-English star and constellation...
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Kids: Long, Long Ago
This site explores constellations found in the sky. Watch a video on the site that explores the constellations found in the winter sky.
Education.com: Star Unit [Pdf]
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this instructional activity, 5th graders will demonstrate their understanding of constellation patterns and earth movement by writing and illustrating a legend about a specific constellation.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Antarctica: Describe the Life Cycle of Stars
Discover the stars with Peter. At his mom's research center, help Peter learn constellations and learn about characteristics of stars.
Ministerio de Educación (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: Atronomia Esferica Modulo I Unidad 1
Recognize the major constellations and learn about the sky during the different seasons of the year. You will also be able to measure the height of the mountains of the moon.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Science: Antarctica/ What Are the Different Parts of the Universe?
In this lesson, students learn about objects in the universe, including constellations, planets, meteors, asteroids, and comets.
Nasa: Make a Star Finder
Learning game and activity that teaches about the constellations by making a star finder to help locate them.
Neave Lab: Planetarium
This virtual planetarium allows you to view the sky as you wish. Using your mouse, point at stars to see their name, magnitude and constellation. You are also able to change the date, time, and location. This site is extremely...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fifth Grade Science: Earth Science: Stars
Investigate what constellations are and how to use light-years as a unit of distance in this module. Learn how to measure star distances in creative ways.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science:telling Time at Night Using Big Dipper [Pdf]
Students examine how to tell time by using the stars and arithmetic. Some topics explored are the Big Dipper, the North Star, and the Little Dipper.
Class Flow: Orion
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart features a well-known constellation in our skies - Orion.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Solar Flare Largest Ever Seen
From ABC News in Science, Larry O'Hanlon's article charts the discovery of the largest solar flare ever seen, occurring withint the constellation Pegasus. The article also discusses the consequences of such a large solar flare.
California Institute of Technology
Spitzer Science Center: Helix Nebula
Under the heading, "Comets Kick up Dust in Helix Nebula" this site a particular nebula in the constellation Aquarius. In addition to an image, the site provides information on nebulas and star systems.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Stars and Constellations: Neutron Stars and Pulsars
This resource provides a brief description of the relationship between a neutron star and a pulsar. It details the pulsing rate and death of a pulsar.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Basic Geometric Definitions: Collinear Constellations
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students explore basic geometric definitions by navigating through the interactive learning module and then answering questions that go along with the module. Students can also learn more about the...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Volume of Pyramids: Collinear Constellations
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students explore basic geometric definitions by navigating through the interactive learning module and then answering questions that go along with the module. Students can also learn more about the...
Star Map
This star map has five different constellations along with four newly discovered solar systems. If you are located in the northern hemisphere you can use this resource to locate stars.
Class Flow: Astronomy Parallax
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains the significance of Delta Cephei in the constellation Cepheus and its historical significance in determining distances in space. It discusses parallax, standard candles, and the...
Class Flow: Space
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart describes what causes the seasons, explains the moon's phases, and introduces what a constellation is. It utilizes the Activotes to help describe the phenomena.
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