California Institute of Technology
Spitzer Science Center: Heart of Orion
Under the picture titled "Chaos at the Heart of Orion" this site explains in detail the various features of the image displaying the Orion Nebula.
US Navy
Naval Historical Center: Quasi War With France
A brief explanation of the role the newly developed Navy played in the Quasi-War.
Has: Charles Messier
Brief, concise facts about Charles Messier and his catalog of comets, galaxies, and other astronomical bodies. Included are photographs of each of the 110 objects listed in his catalog.
Pedro Re's Messier Gallery
Are you looking for information on Charles Messier? This site includes a detailed biography of his life along with a timeline, how to conduct a Messier Marathon, and photographs of the astronomical objects in Messier's catalog.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Solar System: Lesson 1
This lesson will develop a map of the solar system in proportion to the distance between the planets. It is 1 of 3 in the series titled "The Solar System."
Nasa: Make Star Cookies
This site from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration provides a fun project on stars and cookies. "Make these yummy star cookies with genuine star-colored centers you can see through." Plus, learn interesting facts about...
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: "Twinkle, Twinkle (Really Fast!), Little Star"
"The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has discovered neutron stars that emit streams of X-rays pulsing over 1,000 times a second." Visit this site to read the rest of this article. Site offers additional resources as well as a Teacher's Corner.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: X Ray Binary Stars
Site provides a brief introduction to binary stars. Additional resources for students and teachers on this topic are offered as well as related topics.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Site: Supernova Shock Wave
This site from the Hubblesite highlights an article written about a supernova shock wave. Provides images as well as video footage. Site offers links to fast facts, a question and answer section as well as related links.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Site: Planetary Nebula
This site from Hubblesite provides a brief news article as well as colorful pictures of a nearby Planetary Nebula. Offers links to images, video, fast facts, a question and answer section as well as related links.
Stellarium: Planetarium
Bring a planetarium to your computer with this free open source software. Download the software to show the sky in 3D with the naked eye.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Stuff to Do: Build the Big Dipper
Illustrated instructions for building a Big Dipper mobile.
Paper Plate Education: Serving the Universe on a Paper Plate
Excellent resource for "paper-plate" activities that help simplify various astronomy topics. Learn how to build a "Moon Finder" and "Planet Pointer," and create a paper-plate model that explains the Transit of Venus.
Curated OER
Aries the Ram
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Taurus the Bull
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Gemini the Twins
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Cancer the Crab
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Leo the Lion
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Virgo the Virgin
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Scorpio the Scorpion
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Sagittarius the Archer
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Capricorn the Goat
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Aquarius the Water Bearer
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
Curated OER
Pisces the Fishes
The Learning Network surveys several constellations and the twelve constellations that comprise the Zodiac. Features include star tables and symbols.
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