Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Applying Word Strategies: Multiple Choice Review: Practice 1
In this practice lesson, which focuses on applying word strategies to understand the text, students will sample a classic story of transformation, a transformation from good to bad and back again. This transformation story has become a...
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Craft and Structure: Determine the Meaning of Words and Phrases
Learn how to use context clues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a Social Studies passage.
Read Works
Read Works: Grade 2: Two Lesson Unit: Setting
[Free Registration/Login Required] A set of two lesson plans designed to teach learners to use context clues to identify the setting and changes within it. Lessons are based on the books Bigmama's by Donald Crews and The Stories Julian...
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 3rd Grade Unit: Contrasting Statements
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students learn to use contrasting statements within a sentences to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson includes directions for direct teaching, guided practice, and...
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 3rd Grade Unit: Appositives
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students learn to use information within appositives to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson utilizes the book The Life Cycle of a Beetle by Bobbie Kalman and Molly...
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context 2nd Grade Unit: Glossary
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students learn to use a glossary to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Lesson utilizes the book The Life Cycle of an Emperor Penguin by Robin Johnson and Bobbie Kalman and...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Probable Passage
Site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section provides help in using the "probable passage" technique to aid comprehension. In addition, links are available to...
Read Works
Read Works: Vocabulary in Context Kindergarten Unit: Using Sound and Picture Cues
[Free Registration/Login Required] Lesson uses Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert to teach students to use picture cues and initial word sounds to identify unknown words. Ideas for direct teaching, guided practice, and independent...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Applying Word Strategies: Multiple Choice Review: Practice 1
Lessons on roots and affixes, denotation and connotation, context clues, origins and meanings of foreign words, cognates, and reference materials help determine word meanings. These lessons told you HOW to use these word discovery tools....
Read Works
Read Works: 2nd Grade Lesson: Personification
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will use the book The Runaway Tortilla by Eric A. Kimmel to learn to identify and understand the use of personification in a fiction text. Lesson includes direct teaching, guided practice, and...
Read Works
Read Works: 2nd Grade Lesson: Idioms
[Free Registration/Login Required] For this lesson, students use the book More Parts by Tedd Arnold to learn to identify and understand the use of idiom in a fiction text. Lesson includes direct teaching, guided practice, and independent...
Read Works
Read Works: 4th Grade Lesson: Similes and Metaphors
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students use the book Poetry for Young People: Langston Hughes edited by David Roessel and Arnold Rampersad to learn to identify and understand the use of simile and metaphor in...
Read Works
Read Works: 3rd Grade Lesson: Poetry
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson in which students use two provided poems to learn to identify and understand the use of similes and metaphors in poetry. Lesson includes direct teaching, guided practice, and independent...
Quia: Rags to Riches: Idioms From Context
In this interactive, "millionaire-style" game, students read passages with idioms in them. Then they will select the correct explanation for each idiom.
Education Development Center
Tv411: Tune in to Learning: More Roots and Their Families
Part 2 of a series of interactive exercises concerning word roots and vocabulary skills. Site initially explains vocabulary and word roots, then allows students to complete interactive exercises.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Part 2 Reading: Informational Text: Understand Content Words
Understand how to use content words and context clues to identify unknown words in a reading passage.