University of Maryland
University of Maryland Libraries: Preparing an Annotated Bibliography
This step-by-step guide explains the purpose and the procedure for creating annotated bibliographies. Sample entries are included.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Mla Bibliographies
A fourteen-slide presentation followed by a series of four videos demonstrating how to create a bibliography for various sources using MLA formatting.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Which Wing Design Creates the Greatest Lift?
Airplane wings do not all have the same design. With this Science Buddies project you can design your own wings to see which offers the greatest lift. The Science Buddies project ideas are set up consistently beginning with an abstract,...
University of Wisconsin
Writing Center: Mla Documentation Guide: Creating an Mla Works Cited Page
This website gives examples to students on how to cite sources for articles, books, other print sources, and non-print sources. Very informative and easy to understand.
Class Flow: Paraphrasing and Bibliography
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students learn some basic strategies for writing a research report including how to paraphrase passages and create an accurate citation of sources used.
Scribbr: Create Your First Mla Citation
A free MLA citation generator. The APA citation generator can be accessed through a pull-down menu at the top.
Bib Me: Citation Guides
Need to make a bibliography but don't know how? This site formats your bibliography for you and saves you the hassle. Choose your citation standard (APA, MLA, Chicago) and your reference type, and input your source information. It will...
My Bib
MyBib is a free bibliography and citation generator that makes accurate citations for you to copy straight into your assignments and papers. It creates citations for books, journals, websites, and videos by searching for a title or...
Umuc: Secrets of My Research Success
This 35-minute interactive tutorial models the research process via the story of Quentin, a UMUC student. It takes him through the various research process steps: understand how to locate background information on his topic by showing...
Zotero Bib
ZoteroBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. Enter source website links or book information and choose your citation style. The final list can be...
Quinnipiac University: Blogging Across the Curriculum
This online course was created for the Interactive Digital Design Department at Quinnipiac University and is designed to examine how weblogs are being used in academia. The various pages cover the basics of weblogs, how to use Blogger...
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Lit Web: The Research Process
Information about the research process including: reference works, bibliography, online and card catalogs, evaluating sources, taking notes, integrating source material into the essay, editing, proofreading, citations, quotations, and more.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Citing Sources: Parenthetical Documentation
An excellent tip sheet on how to document sources while writing and creating a research paper. Includes in-depth information and examples.
Tech4 Learning: Recipes4 Success
If you're interested in developing project-based learning for your class, Tech4Learning provides tools for facilitating those projects and instruction in how to create and manage them. Free resources available, as well as resources by...
The World of Rosemary Wells
At this site meet acclaimed children's author, Rosemary Wells. Read her biography, play a game with Max and Ruby, or learn more about the stories and characters she has created.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Chicago/turabian Documentation
This guide from the University of Wisconsin will help you create Chicago-style citations for source material.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Creating a Works Cited
The intended learning outcomes are to identify the basic elements of a citation, and to understand that the elements of a citation vary with the format of the source cited (e.g. book v. magazine article v. online resource), and to know...
Class Flow: Library Online
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart was created to help teach students about using the Winnebago online catalog system for finding research materials. It also explains the needed information for a proper bibliography.
EL Education
El Education: Kurare
After researching slavery and personal experiences of slaves with primary and secondary resources, students create a fictional character that is historically and geographically accurate. Character files include a portrait, a narrative...
EL Education
El Education: This Is Why I Cry
Students gain a deeper understanding of slavery by creating an accurate portrayal of a character from history. Each historical character file they create contains a portrait, a biographical narrative, a character map, a bibliography, and...
Library of Congress
Loc: The Great Depression and the 1990s
This site includes a unit about the Great Depression. Young scholars will create a creative writing based on Dorothea Lange's 1936 "Migrant Mother" photograph. They will also write a position paper on the United States' current welfare...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Project Ideas: The Reasons for the Seasons
In this astronomy science fair project, investigate how the earth's axial tilt creates seasons. The Science Buddies project ideas are set up consistently beginning with an abstract, objective, and introduction, followed by a section on...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Project Ideas: Don't Get Burned: Uv Index Throughout the Day
Sun tanning has a bad rap right now. Use a personal ultraviolet monitor to measure the UV index to prevent getting a sunburn. With this science fair project you will create a chart showing the UV ray measurement at different times of the...
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Mythology, Movement/ Drama Unit for 5th Gr
This site is a drama unit for fifth graders created by the Yale New Haven Teachers Institute. The site provides plenty of background information, a bibliography, and much more.