Pbs: Selecting a Credit Card Online
Learn how to select a credit card through comparing and contrasting card options.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Credit Card Debt
This Ask Dr. Math site contains a question about how long it will take to repay a credit card debt at a particular APR and particular amount per month.
Economic Awareness Council: Credit Control [Pdf]
Learn about responsible use of credit and credit cards, your credit score and why it is important, and how to get out of debt if you've already overextended your finances.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: The Costs of Credit
"Will that be cash, check, debit, or credit?" This lesson plan explores the difference between these. What is the difference? Is using credit the same as paying with cash? Or by check? Or by debit card? Some young people believe that...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: My Credit Rating: Why Should I Care?
This site provides an interesting instructional activity on credit and how we use it, the dangers of over-using it, bankruptcy and its consequences, and more.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is an Apr by Better Money Habits
You may have seen the term APR, or annual percentage rate, used in reference to everything from mortgages and auto loans to credit cards. In this piece, we look at credit card APRs which you've probably seen listed on your monthly...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Should I Use Cash or Credit?
This is a lesson presented by EconEdLink that delivers the dilemma of cash or credit. Includes background information, a problem-solving grid, and great questions.
Education Development Center
Tune in to Learning: Is Paying Over Time a Smart Move?
At T.V. 411 you can explore the concept of paying over time with situations involving credit cards, rent to own items, and more. This interactive lesson gives the learner an opportunity to make decisions about money management.
Thinkport Education
Maryland Public Television: Charge! Just Charge It!
Stores and credit card companies make it seem so easy. How often have you seen advertisements to buy something and only pay $20 a month? So what's the real cost of credit? Let's go shopping and find out.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: u.s. Senate Mulls Over Bankruptcy Legislation
During the week of September 20, 1998, the US Senate agreed to debate a bill (S 1301), intended to make it more difficult for people of means to use bankruptcy to walk away from debt. Those who could pay at least 20 percent of their...
Thinkport Education
Maryland Public Television: Sense and Dollars
Engaging, fun tutorials and interactive games related to earning, spending, saving, and budgeting money.
Amos Web: A Pedestrian's Guide to the Economy
Exploring the economy can be a fun adventure with the Pedestrian's Guide to the Economy. Use this site to find your answers to economic topics in a user-friendly format with comic strip guides.