Read Write Think: Found Poems/parallel Poems
Learners compose found and parallel poems based on a descriptive passage they have chosen from a piece of literature they are reading.
Read Works
Read Works: Forms of Art Landscape Paintings
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage is a descriptive pieces for the artistic product of landscape paintings, their different purposes, and styles of design. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces...
Read Works
Read Works: Tomb Figures: Bactrian Camel and Central Asian Groom
[Free Registration/Login Required] ReadWorks provides tomb figures featured at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The Bactrian camel and a Central Asian groom are the figures shown, alongside a descriptive article. Paired passages, a...
Absolute Shakespeare
Absolute Shakespeare: Macbeth Commentary
Read a complete description of each act, with explanations and explications of important passages.