Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing
Reading 101 is a self-paced professional development course for K-3 teachers. It presents some of the core information that teachers need to help young children learn to read and write well and to support the children who struggle. The...
Kim's Korner: Six Trait Analytic Writing Model
Check out this comprehensive website featuring ideas for teaching writing based on the six trait analytic writing model.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Simple Things Principals Can Do to Help All Children Read Well
Explore a list of simple things that principals can do to help all children learn to read. Come and learn more about the collaboration process with school administrators, teachers and staff.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Post It Writing Process
Based on Northern Nevada's 6-traits of writing, teachers can use a post-it note as a template for students to check their work throughout the writing process. Links to the 6-traits are included.
Read Write Think: History Comes Alive: Developing Fluency and Comprehension
Let the power of imagination and inference serve as a "time machine" to bring Benjamin Franklin into the classroom! History and science come to life in a dialogue with Franklin the inventor, developed through instructional activity...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Who/what/where/when Game: Wild Weather Sentences
In this lesson, Teaching Grammar in Context by Constance Weaver provides foundational information for this lesson. Brave Irene, written by William Steig, is used as the mentor text of this lesson. Students will develop sentences with...
Ad Teach Vocabulary by Building Background Knowledge
Students need to develop an extensive vocabulary to read with fluency. In turn, fluency in reading leads to increased comprehension. Fluency also comes from the written language of the reader since the student writes words he or she...
TES Global
Blendspace: Traits of Writing
A six-part learning module with links to videos, images, and a rubric about the six traits of writing: ideas, voice, organization, word choice, fluency, and conventions.
Free Reading
Free Reading: Letter Writing Activities
This invaluable site helps instructors teach students how to handwrite each letter of the alphabet. It includes the amsti sequence to introduce letters, followed by fluency-building activities and accuracy-building activities. Additional...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Creating Memorable Advice
Inspired by "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)," this lesson asks learners to think about memorable writing--writing that has, in some way, touched them personally. Students will make multiple drafts of simple advice in order to make...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Intermediate Level
Improve English language proficiency at this comprehensive ELL (English Language Learner) site for Spanish-speaking students. It is subdivided into eight areas of language development: vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension,...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Beginning Level
Improve English language proficiency at this comprehensive ELL (English Language Learner) site for Spanish speaking students. This section is subdivided into eight areas of language development: vocabulary, grammar, listening...
Ad Academic Language: Everyone's "Second" Language
Being able to speak English fluently does not guarantee that a student will be able to use language effectively in academic settings. Fluency must be combined with higher order thinking skills to create an "academic language," which...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Revision Dice [Pdf]
Revision can be a difficult process for students. With a roll of the dice, students are reminded of the steps they can take to improve their writing. Includes templates for four types of dice that focus on ideas, organization, voice, and...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Different Ways of Looking
In this lesson students will use the sentence structure from Wallace Stevens' "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird."
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Little Toy Friend Poems
In this lesson plan students will create a poem from the viewpoint of a lost toy.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Poems of Condition
In this lesson the students will use the conditional "if" in order to guide their reader to become someone or something.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Five Transition Adventure Planner
For this lesson, students will use transition words and phrases to shift from one idea to another within a story.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Painting Places With Words
In this lesson learners learn how to paint a setting with their descriptive choice of words.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Animals (Animales)
Extensive site for teaching Spanish-speaking ELL. The theme of this unit is animals. Exercise follows short reading. Instructions are in Spanish; exercise in English.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Run on Sentences
This site shows how to repair run-on sentences. Students and teachers will find this interactive resource helpful.
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Self Study Idiom Quizzes
Vast array of quizzes and self-study exercises based on idioms and idiomatic expressions, categorized in a variety of ways (beginning with A, B, etc., by keyword, or by association with other groupings). Great practice for the ELL/ESL...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Understanding Maps and Directions
Extensive site for teaching Spanish speaking ELL. The theme of this unit is the directions - An "e-mail" is presented, giving directions to a house party - Interactive exercise follows, asking comprehension questions - A guided writing...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Food (La Comida): Listening/dialogs
Wonderful, extensive site for Spanish-speaking ELL. In this section, students listen to a couple of short audio clip dialogs in English and then answer interactive comprehension questions. Several activities provided - instructions in...