Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Math: 3rd Grade: Visualize Distributive Property (Practice)
Math 4-problem practice exercise on understanding visual representations of the distributive property of multiplication.
Maisonet Math: Simply Using the Distributive Property
Practice rewriting expressions using the distributive property. The examples on this quiz are basic examples.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Distributive Property With Variables
Practice applying the distributive property to algebraic expressions. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Area and the Distributive Property
Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Math Planet
Math Planet: Algebra 1: The Distributive Property
Provides examples and a video lesson that illustrates the distributive property.
Ixl Learning: The Distributive Property
Brush up on your math skills relating to the distributive property then try some practice problems to test your understanding.
Nearpod: Solving Equations: The Distributive Property
In this lesson plan on solving equations with the distributive property, 8th graders will learn how to solve equations by combining like terms after using the distributive property.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Review: Distributive Property Explained
Explains what the distributive property is and how to use it. Includes examples, link to practice exercises, and video. [5:39]
Chili Math: The Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition
The distributive property of multiplication over addition allows us to eliminate the grouping symbol, usually in the form of parenthesis. Illustrates the basic pattern or formula and how to apply it.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Distributive Property
This lesson will show students how easy mental math can be when using the distributive property.
Pbs: Distributive Property With Variables
Model with algebra tiles to generate equivalent expressions. This video focuses on visualizing the distributive property.
Nearpod: Distributive Property of Multiplication
In this instructional activity on the distributive property of multiplication, students explore expanded form, learn key vocabulary, and apply their learning to a real-life scenario.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Factor With the Distributive Property
Practice applying the distributive property to factor numerical expressions (no variables). Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Math: Multiplication and Division : Distributive Property
Just like addition, multiplication has properties too. The distributive property shows that you can write a number sentence in different ways and still get the same result. Students watch an interactive tutorial, explore common mistakes...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Distributive Property With Variables (Negative Numbers)
In this exercise, students practice applying the distributive property to create an equivalent expression. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Distributive Property With Variables Negative Numbers
Practice these problems using the distributive property with variables in negative numbers.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Distributive Property With Variables
Factor expressions like 3x-9 by applying the distributive property. (All expressions in this exercise are linear binomials.) Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or...
Ask Lois Terms: Distributive Property
So, you don't know what the distributive property is. Never fear, just ask Lois! She knows all about the "Properties." Find this definition and others in this site were kids can email questions about math and get answers. Math terms...
Pbs: Equivalent Expressions With the Distributive Property
This animated Math Shorts video explains how the distributive property can help students model and create equivalent expressions. In the accompanying classroom activity, students play a quick game where they identify common factors...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Distributive Property, Day 2
The children have been practicing decomposing areas and now digits in order to understand and use the distributive property.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Distributive Property, Day 1
Children need to move from the manipulative expressions of the distributive property into the mathematical equations eventually. This lesson is the first step in leading them to that goal.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Distributive Property Using the Gcf
Sixth graders will relate area of rectangles to the distributive property.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Equivalent Expressions With Distribution and Combining Like Terms
In this exercise, students practice factoring numerical expressions using the distributive property. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Algebra: Distributive Property
The algebra resource examines the distributive property using two different methods. Students learn about the math concept through notes, examples, and practice exercises.