University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Charley's Lessons About Animals by Petter & Galpin Cassell
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Charley's Lessons about Animals by Petter & Galpin Cassell (1864). This book includes the titled novella about the uses for domestic animals and the "Story of...
Andre Dollinger
Reshafim: Meat and Fish
An interesting look at the role meat and fish played in the Egyptians' diet. Many kinds of animals were domesticated for use of both upper and lower classes. Hyperlinks for more information.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Pig (Sus Scrofa Scrofa)
Provides photographs and a fact card about the domestic pig. Discusses their origin, how humans use them, physical characteristics, diet, and facts about their feet and teeth.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Ancient Egyptian Animals
Explains the different roles and uses of animals in ancient Egypt.
Pbs Nature: Pigs
This resource offers a clear and concise description of domesticated pigs. Students who need help narrowing their informational search will benefit from this type of condensed resource.
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University: Breeds of Livestock Goats
A good history of our use of goats and links to the major breeds of domesticated goats and their specific uses.
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State Univ: Breeds of Livestock Other Species
This is a good overview of the use of "other species" that one would not immediately think of as a domesticated mammal. Examples include Buffalo and Llamas.
Evidence for Evolution: Formation of New Species
These pages are part of a site called Evolution that accompanies a textbook by the same name. Mark Ridley is the author. These pages offer an explanation of speciation using reproductive isolation and differences in phenotype.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Industial Revolution
At one time, humans, fueled by the animals and plants they ate and the wood they burned, or aided by their domesticated animals, provided most of the energy in use. All life operated within the fairly immediate flow of energy from the...
International Guide Dog Federation: History of Guide Dogs
This page from the International Guide Dog Federation explores the evolution of dogs as human companions, as well as the history of dogs as service animals. This resource also includes a timeline describing how dogs came to be used as...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Acholi
The name "Acholi" is used for peoples living in the former Acholi District of northern Uganda and the adjoining area of the southern Sudan. The primary language of Acholi today is Luo, a Western Nilotic language spoken by groups...
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: The Horse
This resource presents illustrated essays about horses, developed in conjunction with museum-mounted exhibition, cover a wide range of topics, including the evolution of horses, the domestication of horses, the nature of horses, and the...
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Cow
Here you'll find some fun and good information about cattle. Learn about this animal's anatomy, diet, and use on farms. A great diagram is also included.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Activity: Comparing Crops
Take a closer look at some of the earliest farming civilizations and the plants and animals they domesticated. This quick exercise using the Agriculture and Civilization Infographic has you consider the regional differences in...