Theatre History: Restoration Drama
This site from provides great information on restoration drama. Links are given throughout for additional information on related subjects. The article is medium sized in length and discusses everthing from women...
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: Author: William Shakespeare
This site features the author William Shakespeare including a biography and the full text of 39 of his famous plays. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity, RL.11-12.10a/b Text Complexity
New York University
Nyu: William Shakespeare Literature Annotations
Helpful but concise literature annotations on some of Williams Shakespeare's (1564-1616 CE) works.
Northern Virginia Community College
Introduction to Theatre: The Elizabethan Stage
This site mainly discusses the Elizabethan Theatres. It gives statistics about the various theatres of that time period, and provides interesting information about them. Some information on William Shakespeare is also provided.