Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Zora Neale Hurston
This site provides information and activities focused around Zora Neale Hurston's life and work. Check out this site featuring links to several sites focused on Hurston's work.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Native Voices
This unit features the rich oral tradition of Native Americans storytelling in various genres predating the introduction and influence of English writings, bringing three contemporary authors to light. RI.11-12.8 seminal U.S. texts,...
University of Virginia
University of Virginia: Jules Verne, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"
This site has links to the full text from the University of Virginia of Jules Verne's science fiction work "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
Athabasca University: Centre for Language and Literature: The Jesuit Relations
Information about The Jesuit Relations, early documents (seventeenth century) that chronicle the Jesuit missions to New France.
US Department of State
American Life: Discontent and Reform
This article from the US Department of State, "USA History in Brief," reviews the reasons for and results of Progressivism in the early 20th century.
Uwo: Early Writing in Canada Susannah Moodie
These are excerpts from Susannah Moodie's book 'Roughing it in the Bush'.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Extra, Extra!! Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Newscast
This instructional activity will be an interdisciplinary instructional activity that involves both English Language Arts and Social Studies (History). The instructional activity will be primarily technology-based and also project-based...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Tonga
The Tonga never formed a single political unit. Today they are an ethnic group united by common language and in opposition to other Zambian ethnic groups, with whom they compete. The Tonga speak dialects of ciTonga, a Central Bantu...
Sacred Text Archive
Ista: Complete Corpus of Anglo Saxon Poetry
The Internet Sacred Text Archive offers the Complete Corpus of Anglo Saxon Poetry. All of the titles link to primary documents, written in their original language.
Curated OER
English Literature: Early 17th Century: The Life of Ben Jonson
Substantial biographical sketch of Renaissance poet and playwright, Ben Jonson. Includes some information on his plays, "Volpone," and "The Alchemist."
British Library
British Library: Shakespeare in Quarto
The very first printed versions of Shakespeare's works are available here at the British Library for looking at, comparing and examining. Also includes valuable links about Shakespeare's plays as they have been performed through the years.
Stories From the Web
Reading skills development program for children from 1 to 14 years old. Children can find short stories, poems, art work, games, pictures, everything divided by age range. Also are useful links for parents and teachers.
Bartleby Whittier
This Cambridge History of English and American Literature entry is a bibliography of the works of John Greenleaf Whittier, including their original dates of publication. Lists works of biography and criticism written about Whittier...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Modern American Poetry: William Carlos Williams
This is the Modern American Poetry index site for William Carlos Williams (1883-1963 CE). From this site you can click on links that take you to analysis of the author's works as well as a link to full text versions of additional poems.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Bede, the Venerable
Encyclopedia entry for the English scholar who wrote a history of the early centuries of Anglo-Saxon England and an encyclopedia which consisted largely of excerpts from Pliny the Elder.