Center for Educational Technologies
Cotf: Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics provides geology with a comprehensive theory that explains how the Earth works.
Read Works
Read Works: A Hole in the Planet
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the layers of the Earth and a place near the Canary Islands where there is a hole in the crust. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Actions at Plate Boundaries
This lesson will allow the students to understand the cause and effects of plates interactions. The students will learn that plate boundaries function as a release for much of the Earth's potential energy. The students will be able to...
Us Atlas Geology
Apple provides a description of the USAtlas Geology app, developed by the USGS. The app provides 46 layers of vector information available at The National Atlas of the United States Website.
Scholastic: Diagramando a La Ciencia
Fun interactive Spanish site where students will be able to review science vocabulary related with the earth, atmosphere, respiratory system, flower parts and fish anatomy. It provides the English version and different levels of difficulty.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Introduction to the Atmosphere
A detailed overview of the Earth's atmosphere, with explanations about atmospheric properties, the structure of the atmosphere, its four layers, atmospheric processes, energy heat transfer, conduction and convection, and radiation. All...
Antarctic Geological Drilling: Environmental Literacy Framework Activities
An impressive collection of lessons on climate science and climate change. The entire book can be downloaded. As well, each lesson has its own page with some combination of background information, PowerPoints, images, maps, glossaries,...
Read Works
Read Works: Discover the Rain Forest!
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the rain forest. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Planet Ark: World Environmental News
Welcome to Planet Ark's daily Reuters World Environment News - the most comprehensive source of environmental news on the Net. To read previous news stories, please use the search engine below to find stories relating to any...
Curated OER
Science Kids: Science Images: Ozone Molecule
This diagram shows a 3D computer generated image of the triatomic molecule known as ozone. Ozone is an allotrope that contains three oxygen atoms. The ozone layer found in the upper atmosphere helps protect the Earth against potentially...