The Greens: A Site for Kids About Looking After the Planet
Especially designed website companion to the PBS ecology series The Greens helps kids explore ideas about making smart environmental choices. Find animated videos, activity suggestions, projects to do, and solid advice for putting your...
Mars Society: Oregon Chapter: Controlled Ecological Mouse Support System
Explore a model environment which emulates the basic workings of a bio-regenerative system. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate advanced life support systems essential for future Mars self-sustaining environments.
Grace Communications: Food Print
An environmentally conscious group brings to light the relationship between food, water and energy, and the importance of sustainability. The site looks at issues such as animal welfare, social justices, food policy, the industrial food...
Teach Engineering: Computer Simulation of the Sonoran Desert Community
The computer program's simulation of a Sonoran desert community should ultimately strengthen the student's comprehension of what is required for a natural ecosystem to sustain itself (remain in balance). This computer simulation program...
Teach Engineering: Nature Is an Engineering Marvel
This lesson introduces students to the concepts of biomicry and sustainable design. Students will learn to illustrate the wisdom of nature by demonstratiing how organisms adapt to their environment.
Teach Engineering: Implementing Biomimicry and Sustainable Design
This unit provides students with an opportunity to study ecological relationships with an emphasis on the Sonoran Desert. Students appreciate the complexity and balance that supports the exchange of energy and matter within food webs....
Center for Ecoliteracy
Learn of an organization that is providing support to educators to teach ecologically sustainable skills to children. Includes details on grants, resources, and projects.
Ecology: The Industrial Revolution
A discussion of the effects of the Industrial Revolution on population growth, with emphasis on the question of sustainability. A great introduction to the field of ecology.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Eco Connections: Conservation of Resources
During our exploration of each previous lesson, we have learned about many of the factors that contribute to the ongoing destruction of our environment. In our final lesson, we will make a holistic appraisal of the impact that each of...
International Eco Schools
Eco-Schools is an international group; the website presents environmental topics and sustainable development education for schools. It aims to combine learning and action and enable schools to start a meaningful project.
International Eco Schools
Eco-Schools is an international group; the website presents environmental topics and sustainable development education for schools. It aims to combine learning and action and enable schools to start a meaningful project.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: Water: H2 O = Life
This exhibition illuminates the concept of ecological balance and the challenge of managing the Earth's water supply. Its videos and images help explain just how important water is to sustaining life.
Teach Engineering: Bees Are Master Pollinators
The study of biomimicry and sustainable design promises great benefits in design application. It affords means by which to promote cost-effective, resourceful, non-polluting avenues for new enterprise. These "blueprints" have existed...
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Great Lakes
The EPA profiles the Great Lakes ecosystem, their ecological protection and restoration, wetlands, shorelands, pollution prevention, and so on. Click "Visualizing the Great Lakes" for pictures of the lake environment.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Biology: Threats to Biodiversity
Looks at the impact of overharvesting, such as overfishing, on biodiversity. It talks of the 'tragedy of the commons,' where harvesters do not feel responsible for protecting a species because they fish in shared areas. It also touches...
American Forests
Promotes the benefits of maintaining a sustainable future for American forests. Outlines initiative to fight urban sprawl and its negative effects on the environment.
Bbc News: Disposable Planet
The Earth's population is soaring, but its resources are finite. Can we provide food, water, energy? Watch a slideshow on our planet's future, and take a quiz to measure your impact on the Earth.
Geographypods: Patterns and Change: Patterns in Resource Consumption
This collection of three learning modules looks at issues related to resource consumption. It examines theories about how population size affects consumption, the changing patterns of energy consumption, and ways to minimize consumption....
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: Natural Resources, Environment, and Ecosystems
A collection of lesson plans for specific age levels to help students gain a better understanding of animals, plants, and people, and how they affect each other in ecosystems. Many of the activities provide discussion questions and...
Nasa: Climate Kids: What Can We Do to Help?
Read about five ways to become a steward of the environment, and to stay involved with conservation.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Intro to Photosynthesis
Discussion of the conversion of light energy to chemical energy through the life-sustaining process of photosynthesis. Explores the reactions of photosynthesis, where they take place, and their ecological importance.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigating Biodiversity in Your Schoolyard
For this field lab, students will investigate the biodiversity around their school and record and document the information they find. The students will compare their information to those of their classmates, develop multiple hypotheses...
Abcteach: Earth Day Activities
[Free Registration/Login Required] How can you treat the earth with more respect? Check out this resource featuring links to elementary activities to celebrate Earth Day. You will find word searches, crossword puzzles, reading...
K 3 Learning pages.com: Earth Day Links
How can you celebrate Earth Day in your classroom? This collection features several downloadable Earth Day worksheets including word searches and coloring pages. Students and teachers can plan the perfect way to recognize the environment.