Digital Library for Earth System Education: Teaching Box: Seasonal Upwelling
A suite of lessons focusing on the process of upwelling. Inquiry-based exploration of seasonal upwelling includes marine food webs, food production in the ocean, wind-driven ocean currents, and seasonal changes in biotic and abiotic...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: From the Top of the Food Chain Down: Rewilding Our World
Our planet was once populated by megafauna, big top-of-the-food-chain predators that played their part in balancing our ecosystems. When those megafauna disappear, the result is a "trophic cascade," where every part of the ecosystem...
The Sustainable Scale Project: Ecological Footprint
The Ecological Footprint is rooted in the fact that all renewable resources come from the earth. It accounts for the flows of energy and matter to and from any defined economy and converts these into the corresponding land/water area...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Making Sense of How Life Fits Together
Bobbi Seleski catalogs biology from our body and beyond, tracking how unicellular organisms, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and our biosphere build off of each other and work together....
Virginia Places: What Determines the Boundaries of a Region in Virginia?
Although this site talks about regions in Virginia, it offers excellent information on regions in general, for example, ways regions might be classified; e.g., by population density, geology, watershed, ecosystem, economy,...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Living Organisms
Guide your students through a learning module about living organisms in a lake environment.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Human Settlement and Geography
Learn why people live in places with lots of people.
Read Works
Read Works: Changes in Biodiversity
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about changes in biodiversity and the chain reaction of problems they can cause. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Pbs Learning Media: Wildlife Biology
In this What's Up in the Environment? video segment, learn how various indicator species are used to monitor the environmental condition of the Everglades.
Pbs Learning Media: Dustin Madden: Science Teacher
In this video profile produced for Teachers' Domain, meet teacher Dustin Madden, an Inupiaq who hopes to inspire students to take an active role in protecting the natural environment by giving them a foundation in math and science.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Species, Speciation and the Environment
The American Institute of Biological Sciences offers this article by Niles Eldredge, evolutionary theorist and curator at the American Museum of Natural History. Eldredge begins with Darwin's theories and summarizes subsequent thought,...
Pbs Learning Media: La'ona De Wilde: Environmental Biologist
In this video profile produced for Teachers' Domain, meet La'ona DeWilde, an environmental biologist who integrates her Athabascan heritage and her Western scientific training to help remote Alaskan villages address environmental issues.
Cool Antarctica: Pictures, Information, and Travel Guide
A complete look at the continent of Antarctica. You can view pictures, utilize a fact file index, and get a historical timeline.
Curated OER
Unesco: Cameroon: Sangha Trinational
Situated in the north-western Congo Basin, where Cameroon, Central African Republic and Congo meet, the site encompasses three contiguous national parks totalling around 750,000 ha. Much of the site is unaffected by human activity and...
Curated OER
Unesco: United States of America: Olympic National Park
Located in the north-west of Washington State, Olympic National Park is renowned for the diversity of its ecosystems. Glacier-clad peaks interspersed with extensive alpine meadows are surrounded by an extensive old growth forest, among...
Curated OER
Unesco: China: Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area
Situated in the north-west of Sichaun Province, the Huanglong valley is made up of snow-capped peaks and the easternmost of all the Chinese glaciers. In addition to its mountain landscape, diverse forest ecosystems can be found, as well...