Sophia Learning
Sophia: Revising Topic Sentences
A nine-slide presentation explaining how to use the acronym MAP (main idea, attitude, preview) to edit and revise a topic sentence.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Revise and Revisit: Butterflies
Students will take a previously created paragraph and edit it to make it better by adding details, definitions, a topic sentence, or a closure to an informational paragraph. Resources include a PowerPoint presentation and pictures and...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: General Writing Resources
This helpful resource details the process of writing, including how to plan, write, and revise. Content also includes the different types or genres of writing, and exercises in grammar and mechanics.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Strategies for Revising: Practice 3
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will review the different types of clauses and sentences. You will also use editing strategies to help you add variety to your sentences. A step-by-step...
TES Global
Tes: Travel Writing Sow
[Free Registration/Login Required] A 100-slide PowerPoint presentation will guide students through a descriptive writing task. Students will be write extensive pieces about a travel experience.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Correcting Sentence Fragments: Lesson 1
This lesson goes over how to identify and correct sentence fragments. It is 1 of 4 in the series titled "Correcting Sentence Fragments."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Choppy Sentences: Lesson 2
This lesson discusses how to recognize and correct sentences that are choppy. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Choppy Sentences."
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Post It Writing Process
Based on Northern Nevada's 6-traits of writing, teachers can use a post-it note as a template for learners to check their work throughout the writing process. Links to the 6-traits are included.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Revising Topic Sentences
This lesson explains how to edit a topic sentence to make it more effective.
Grammarly Handbook: Sentence Structure
Tips on how to vary sentence structure to strengthen writing.
Grammarly Handbook: Shifts in Writing
Five areas to edit for shifts in writing: Consistent Point of View, Consistent Verb Tenses, Verbs Consistent in Mood and Voice, Shifts from Indirect to Direct Questions/Quotations, and Shifts from British to American English. Each area...
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin Madison: Writing Center: Editing Checklist
This twelve-item checklist is linked to short explanations that include an example of the error, followed by revisions. W.9-10.5 Writing Process
Daily Grammar Archive
This site includes over 440 daily grammar lessons that are grouped into sections that cover the eight parts of speech, sentence structure, and mechanics. Quizzes are also included and are sorted according to the grammatical topic being...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Avoiding Run on Sentences and Comma Splices
This lesson goes over how to correct a run-on sentence or a comma splice.
Grammarly Blog: Grammar Rules
This is a grammar handbook with links to grammar rules for the parts of speech, punctuation marks, mechanics, sentence style and clarity, composition, academic writing, organization and development, revising and editing, and research and...
Grammarly Blog: Commas After Introductory Phrases
This Grammarly Handbook resource explains how to use commas after introductory phrases in sentences.
English Zone
English Zone: Formal Adjective Clauses Exercise 30
A ten-question exercise with each question consisting of a pair of clauses. Students are asked to combine the two clauses into one complete sentence by using the second clause to create an adjective clause. Students can check their...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Dangling Modifiers: Lesson 1
This lesson introduces dangling modifiers and explains how to identify them in context. It is 1 of 5 in the series titled "Dangling Modifiers."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Dangling Modifiers: Lesson 5
This lesson introduces dangling modifiers and explains how to identify them in context. It is 5 of 5 in the series titled "Dangling Modifiers."
Grammarly Handbook: Wordiness
This page focuses on reducing wordiness in writing by using more concise language, and avoiding extra-long words and sentences.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Rewriting Nominalizations: Lesson 2
This lesson goes over how to rewrite sentences including nominalizations. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Rewriting Nominalizations."