Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti of Setau
The shawabti is a statuette that is intended to perform work in place of the deceased in the underworld. This shawabti portrays Setau in the shape of a mummy. He holds a hoe and a seed bag and wears bracelets and a broad collar.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Stela of Libation
This round-topped stela, an upright stone with a sculpted surface, depicts a man with a shaven head wearing a kilt. He pours libation water on a mummy from a special type of vessel.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Schist Statue of God Osiris
This schist statue of the god Osiris was dedicated for him by the chief scribe Psammetik. It shows the god Osiris in his traditional form of a mummy, covered in a close-fitting garment and wearing his famous Atef crown.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti of Tamket
The shawabti of Tamket is intended to perform work in place of the deceased in the underworld. The statuette is in the form of a mummy with a basket slung over her right shoulder.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti of Re Messu
The shawabti of Re-messu is intended to perform work in place of the deceased in the underworld. The statuette is in the form of a mummy with baskets slung behind each shoulder.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti of Sennedjem
The funerary shawabti is a statuette intended to perform work in place of the deceased in the underworld. The shawabti of Sennedjem is in the form of a mummy with a long black wig, a necklace, and two baskets slung over his shoulders.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Kneeling Statue of Isis Sereket
This statue represents Isis kneeling and holding on her lap a small figure of the mummy of Osiris on a rectangular tablet.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Statue of Osiris With Atef Crown
The complete statue depicts Osiris in the form of a mummy with his hands on his chest, holding two ankh scepters, the sign of life. He wears the Atef Crown.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Mask of Sheshonq the Second
The funeral mask of King Sheshonq the Second was found on the pharaoh's mummy but was seriously damaged. It is made from a thick sheet of gold with hollow spaces for the eyes and the eyebrows where glass paste was to be inserted.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Necklace of Princess Khnumit
The beautiful necklace of Princess Khnumit was found on her mummy. It was worn not only as jewelry, but also as an amulet to protect her from the evil powers in the netherworld. The center of the necklace is decorated with the Ankh sign,...
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Senusert the First as Osiris
This figure of King Senusert the First was wrapped in a shroud like a mummy to resemble the god Osiris. It once leaned against a pillar, that is now lost. The eyes give a natural impression, whereas the eyebrows and mouth are highly...
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Shawabti and Model Sarcophagus
The model sarcophagus consists of a lid and box along with a funerary statuette, both in the form of a mummy with arms crossed on the chest.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Inner Coffin of Queen Meritamun
This inner coffin depicts Queen Meritamun the wife of Amenhotep the first of the 18th Dynasty. in the form of a mummy. The lid is covered with a feather design and hieroglyphics.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Osirian Head of Queen Hatshepsut
This head belongs to an Osirian statue of Hatshepsut. She is wrapped in a shroud like a mummy with a full face, wide eyes with curved eyebrows, and an aquiline nose.
University of Memphis: Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit
A site from The University of Memphis with several examples of Egyptian artifacts, with detailed descriptions. Enlarge any of the photos with just a click!
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Ramesses the Fourth
Ramesses the Fourth was the son and the successor of the great king Ramesses the Third and he was considered to have been the first of a series of increasingly weak rulers.
Tutankhamun's Death Mask and Coffins
This site is developed by a amateur photographer who's traveled to quite a few exotic destinations. A comprehensive description of King Tut's Sarcophagus as well as some great photographs are offered here.
Read Works
Read Works: News Shorts: Tomb Raiders
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about American archaeologists who discovered an Egyptian tomb. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Curated OER
Ancient Egyptian Religion
This site provides in-depth information about the religion in Ancient Egypt. Religion is detailed in terms of early beliefs, major cults, the development of a national religion, the role of the King, and life after death.
Curated OER
Etc: Clip Art Etc: Funeral Procession Crossing the Lake of the Dead
As the mummy of the dead was placed in a barge to be taken across the Lake of the Dead-for it was the manner of the Egyptians to bear the bodies about to be entombed across the water to the place of the sepulture-the members of the...
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