Curated OER
Washington Post: Bush Wins Second Term
George W. Bush wins reelection over John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential election. Article discusses the night of the election and analyzes President Bush's upcoming second term. Article is from November, 2004.
Curated OER
Washington Post: First Presidential Debate
Transcript, video, and analysis of the first Presidential debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004.
Center for Responsive Politics: Open Secrets is a non-partisan, non-profit research group based in Washington, D.C. that tracks money in politics, and its effect on elections and public policy.
Curated OER
New York Times: Election 2004, George W. Bush
The New York Times's coverage of President George W. Bush in the 2004 election. Content includes recent news stories, a look at Bush's stand on numerous issues, campaign multimedia, and more.
Curated OER
Wikipedia: George W. Bush
This open-source encyclopedia article from Wikipedia offers an in-depth profile of George W. Bush. Content includes information on his personal life and education, his political career and business ventures before becoming President of...
FOX News
Fox News: Politics
FOX News covers the latest in United States politics. Impact is presented with television and the internet in mind.
USA Today
Usa Today: Washington Politics
Resource provides the top news in U.S. Politics in brief. Content includes a focus on the president, senate, house, state governors, legislatures, and initiatives.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Marcus A. Hanna
Read this interesting biography of Marcus Hanna, successful Ohio businessman, Repbublican Party supporter, and close friend of President William McKinley.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Free Soil Party
A description of the platform and beliefs of the Free Soil Party which opposed expansion of slavery into US territories.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Populist Party
The Populist Party was one of the more successful third parties, at least in state politics. Read about its platform on the national and state levels in the 1890s.
Curated OER
Washington Post: 'That's It': A Two Year Quest Ends
Presidential candidate John Kerry concedes the election to President George W. Bush. Article is from November, 2004.
Curated OER
Ambitious coverage of the 2004 elections, including George W. Bush winning re-election over John Kerry. Find links to a number of news articles, election results, profiles of candidates, electoral maps, and much more. Very thorough...
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: Bull Moose Party
Find out about the spilt in the Republican Party during the campaign of 1912, which resulted in the formation of the Bull Moose Party, the progressive party which selected Theodore Roosevelt as its candidate.
Ohio History Central
Ohio History Central: James Garfield
Learn brief biographical facts about Ohio born James Garfield, the twentieth President of the United States.
Curated OER
Ambitious coverage of the 2004 elections, including George W. Bush winning re-election over John Kerry. Find links to a number of news articles, election results, profiles of candidates, electoral maps, and much more. Very thorough...
Curated OER
Written in 1999, The Washington Post includes a seven part series of articles on the making of George W. Bush as a presidential candidate. There are also excerpts from interviews and links to other sites concerning the presidential...
Curated OER
Written in 1999, The Washington Post includes a seven part series of articles on the making of George W. Bush as a presidential candidate. There are also excerpts from interviews and links to other sites concerning the presidential...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: General Thomas J. Jackson
General Stonewall Jackson, born in Clarkesburg, W. Va., January 21st, 1824, died at Chancellorsville, Va., May 10th, 1863, was graduated from the United States Military Academy, in 1846. He was ordered to Mexico, became a lieutenant in...