Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Education: Winning the Vote
Three lesson plans that take students through three different steps in our election process.
American Bar Association
American Bar Association: How the Law Regulates Who May Vote
A lesson plan that includes a handout and various follow-up activities for middle schoolers. The lesson is described here and a link is provided for downloading the lesson plan and handout.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Who Will Be President?
This lesson will allow students to experience the election process of an American President through a mock election. Students will learn the steps that must be followed in order to have an election. This is a great way to get students...
Center For Civic Education
Center for Civic Education: The Ballot and Questions
This lesson focuses on a voter's need to be fully informed prior to casting a vote on Election Day and how to acquire the necessary information.
I Civics: Got Ballot?
Covering everything from referendums to recalls, this lesson takes students to the voting booth and explains what they might see on a typical ballot.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 7.sp Election Poll, Variation 3
Members of the seventh grade math group have nominated a member of their group for class president. Every student in seventh grade will cast a vote. There are only 2 candidates in the race, so a candidate must receive at least 50% of the...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 7.sp Election Poll, Variation 1
Members of the seventh grade math group have nominated a member of their group to be class president. Every student in seventh grade will cast a vote. There are 2 candidates in the race and a candidate needs at least 50% of the votes to...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 7.sp Election Poll, Variation 2
Members of the seventh grade math group have nominated a member of their group for class president. Every student in seventh grade will cast a vote. There are only 2 candidates in the race, so a candidate must receive at least 50 percent...
US National Archives
Nara: Teaching With Documents: Petition From Susan B. Anthony to u.s. Congress
See Anthony's 1874 petition to Congress in complaint against her arrest and fine for having voted in an 1872 election. From the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Teachnology: Social Studies Lesson Plans
Great lesson plans covering a wide-range of history-related subjects. A wonderful resource for wonderful teachers!
Pbs Online News Hour: Mac Neil Lehrer Productions: Sampling Bias, Ca Recall
In this lesson plan, students are exposed to the different types of political samples, given lists of election data and asked to differentiate between the samples, and informed as to the sources of bias in samples. In addition to...
US National Archives
Nara: Teaching With Documents:tally of the 1824 Electoral College Vote
The National Archives and Records Administration provides a lesson, with corresponding information and documents, relating to the role of the Electoral College in the election of the president and vice-president as specified in the U.S....
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Impact of Political Debates in the Television Age
This technology-based lesson encourages active engagement in the state elections process as part of a unit to prepare for debates to be held in the Fall of 2010. The lesson may also be adapted for use as a stand alone lesson. Student...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Voters to Choose Between Economy and Environment
Although this lesson plan deals with the a California vote for 2010 Elections, the subject matter will need to be addressed time and time again: economy vs. environment. Green energy is more expensive. Many companies would have to go out...
Cynthia J. O'Hora
Mrs. O's House: Select and Insect Mascot for School or Community
Based on a scenario given, young scholars will work to nominate an insect mascot for the school or the community for an upcoming event. Students will conduct research through resources provided or their own, create a presentation, and...
I Civics: The Electoral Process
Take a peek into the electoral process from party primaries to the general election. Students will learn the distinctions between the popular vote and the Electoral College, and exercise their critical reasoning skills to analyze the...
I Civics: Running for President (Infographic)
Learn how candidates run the race to become President of the United States. Infographic shows who can qualify to run, how they must prepare, and the different hurdles they have to overcome to make it to Inauguration Day.
Pbs News Hour: Lesson Plan: The Presidential Nominating System
This lesson may be used to introduce students to the system of primaries and caucuses by which candidates for U.S. president are nominated by their parties. After completing this lesson, students will understand the process by which...
Pbs News Hour: Lesson: The Presidential Nominating System
This lesson may be used to introduce students to the system of primaries and caucuses by which candidates for U.S. president are nominated by their parties. After completing this lesson, students will understand the process by which...