Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Do All Types of Lights Follow Ohm's Law?
In this physics lab students investigate whether Ohm's Law applies to common electric devices. Students submit their findings in a written report or class discussion.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Finding Voltage With Ohm's Law
Use this tutorial to find the voltage in an electrical current with Ohm's Law.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Finding Current With Ohm's Law
Learn how to measure the electrical current using Ohm's Law.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Finding Resistance With Ohm's Law
Find out how to determine resistance using Ohm's Law.
Teach Engineering: Ohm's Law 2
This extension to the Ohm's Law I activity, students will observe just how much time it takes to use up the "juice" in a battery, and if it is better to use batteries in series or parallel.
Science4 Fun: Ohm's Law
Brief explanation of Ohm's Law which provides the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance.
Teach Engineering: From Sunlight to Electric Current
The lesson will first explore the concept of current in electrical circuits. Current will be defined as the flow of electrons. Photovoltaic (PV) cell properties will then be introduced. This will lead to the principle of "Conservation of...
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: What Is Ohm's Law?
Explains Ohm's Law which is the mathematical relationship between electric current, resistance, and voltage.
Need: Measuring Electricity [Pdf]
This site details many of the ways in which to measure electricity. Among the topics covered by this page is resistance and voltage as well as electrical energy and Ohm's Law.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Ohm's Law
Kids learn about Ohm's law in the science of electricity and physics including current, resistance, voltage, example problems, and V=IR.
Class Flow: Ohm's Law
[Free Registration/Login Required] A basic interactive lesson on Ohm's Law, I use this in my 9-12 CATE Electricity class.
Teach Engineering: Maximum Power Point
Students learn how to find the maximum power point (MPP) of a photovoltaic (PV) panel in order to optimize its efficiency at creating solar power. They also learn about real-world applications and technologies that use this technique, as...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Application of the Fundamental Laws
We solve a circuit by direct application of the fundamental laws: Apply element laws (Ohm's Law and the like) plus Kirchhoff's Laws to solve for the currents and voltages of a circuit.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Georg Simon Ohm
More than a dry series of facts about Ohm's life, this page from the University of St. Andrews provides interesting anecdotal accounts which reveal the personality behind the man. Thorough, interesting and an abundance of facts. A great...
Physics4 Kids: Electricity and Magnetism: Resistance
Explains electrical resistance and how it is measured using the formula for Ohm's Law.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Current Electricity
Four complete lessons on current electricity in the study of physics. Lessons include informational text, interactive activities, animations, and quick, interactive comprehension checks.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Georg Ohm
Georg Simon Ohm had humble roots and struggled financially throughout most of his life, but the German physicist is well known today for his formulation of a law, termed Ohm's law, describing the mathematical relationship between...
Teach Engineering: Can You Resist This?
This lab demonstrates Ohm's law as students set up simple circuits each composed of a battery, lamp and resistor. Students calculate the current flowing through the circuits they create by solving linear equations. After solving for the...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Physics 2: Electric Circuits
This unit teaches students the foundations of electrical circuits and introduces them to their simplest components. Covers series and parallel circuits, Kirchhoff's Rules, Ohm's Law, RC circuits, resistivity, and capacitance.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Georg Ohm
Find out about the German physicist and mathematician whose work in the field of electrical current shaped the study of electricity.
Teach Engineering: Circuits
Students are introduced to several key concepts of electronic circuits. They learn about some of the physics behind circuits, the key components in a circuit and their pervasiveness in our homes and everyday lives. Students learn about...
Class Flow: Electricity
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students can use this Flipchart to learn and apply Ohm's law to basic circuitry problems. Students are introduced to the relationship among voltage, current, and resistance, and then apply their newly...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics: Electrical Systems Study Guide
A study guide covering electrical systems.