Curated OER
Digging Up Facts About Dinosaurs
Second graders conduct research on a given dinosaur using various resources, complete an information sheet that be used to create their graphic organizer from, and produce a graphic organizer, using the Kidspiration software.
Curated OER
Earth Day: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Students list ways to reduce, reuse and recycle, and produce an acrostic poem reflecting their understanding about Earth Day. They also use the Internet to integrate technology into learning.
Curated OER
Black History Month
Students work in cooperative pairs to research information and give oral presentations about African American men and women who have made significant contributions to U.S. history.
Curated OER
Fourth graders recall lizards from the text and report their important traits. The teacher adds the information to the map. They watch the map expand while it organizes all of the lizards and their characteristics.
Curated OER
A Taste of Blackberries
Fourth graders participate in a shared reading of Doris Buchanan's, A Taste of Blackberries. They read about grief in the loss of a best friend and examine the skills of a responsible family member.
Curated OER
An Atlas of Health Care
Students use educational software to create an alphabetical directory of maps that indicates the precise location of the community's health care facilities.
Curated OER
Preventing Childhood Diseases Project
Second graders become informed advocates in the prevention of childhood diseases. This takes place during the Preventing Childhood Diseases Project.
Curated OER
A Caterpillar's Life
Students use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning to their caterpillar. They also come to recognize that living things have similar needs of water, food and air by teacher reading The Very Hungry...
Curated OER
Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Research
Students, in groups, practice organization and editing skills as they research the history of Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). they create a PowerPoint presentation of their research.
Curated OER
Earth's History
Sixth graders investigate how fossils are formed. They analyze a photo of the Grand Canyon, and create a fossil cast and mold using plaster of paris and shells.
Curated OER
Beatrix Potter: Author Study
Young scholars are introduced to the life and works of Beatrix Potter. Individually, they use the site to read about one character in her books and print out a picture. They create a report and share their information with the class.
Curated OER
High schoolers list and explain the three types of economic systems as well as the three economic questions that every economic society must answer at one time or another. In addition, they identify the five features of our market economy.
Curated OER
Economic Decisions
Students practice decision-making skills by planning vacation, including all proposed expenses. Students distinguish between needs and wants, identify difference between goods and services, and describe economic resources used in...
Curated OER
Ocean Life
Students research and identify ocean animals characteristics and life styles using the Internet and books. They create a PowerPoint presentation and an iMovie to present to the class.
Curated OER
Most Wanted Villians
Students review the characteristics of various characters in fairytales. As a class, they review the story details and create a concept map using a software program. They create their own wanted poster of the villians in the fairytale to...
Curated OER
Holocaust Literature Circle Discussion
Seventh graders participate in a literature circle regarding various novels of Holocaust literature. They read their selected novel and write a journal entry in response to the reading, and in small groups participate in a group...
Curated OER
Spot the Hoax
Students examine websites and use critical thinking skills to determine which one is real and which one is a hoax. They then discuss their criteria for deciding which website was real and which one was not.
Curated OER
Friends in the Community
Second graders build a classroom community by getting to know each other better. They ask classmates various questions and use graphic organizer software and Microsoft PowerPoint. Students practice their oral language skills while asking...
Curated OER
The Microscope
Students investigate the parts and functions of a compound microscope. They explore various websites, label the parts of a microscope on a worksheet, view prepared slides, and create drawings of the prepared slides.
Curated OER
Fraction Equivalence
Fourth graders explore fractions. They compare different fractions using fraction bars. Students find equivalent fractions and they use fraction bars to visualize addition of fractions.
Curated OER
All About Me
Students investigate how to communicate about themselves and each other. In this social studies and technology lesson plan, students represent their thoughts regarding themselves and others both on paper and using "Kid Pix".
Curated OER
Learning to Summarize a Story
Students with hearing loss read independently and understand what is being read to them. For this independent reading lesson plan, students sequence and discuss the book that is read.
Curated OER
Historical Figures
Second graders identify a historical figure, his or her societal contributions and basic biography using a Kidspiration graphic organizer and library resources. They use the Internet to conduct an historical treasure hunt in groups.
Curated OER
Texas Symbols
First graders create 2 Texas State symbols using Microsoft Paint and identify 4 Texas symbols. Each student get to choose his/her own symbol to draw. Each child have a workbook with the symbols in it. The final products are made into a...