Ready: Welcome to Ready Kids!
An engaging site developed by the Department of Homeland Security to teach students how to prepare for emergency situations. Loaded with learning activities, games, songs, lesson plans, and printable worksheets that are designed to help...
Ibiblio: World War Ii Resources: Proclamation of Unlimited National Emergency
View text of Franklin D. Roosevelt's official Proclamation of Unlimited National Emergency in May, 1941, that puts the armed services on notice in case of aggression against any parts of the Western Hemisphere.
Noaa: Ngdc Noaa: Family Disaster Plan Quiz
Take this five-question, online quiz to find out how much you know about emergency preparedness for a natural disaster.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Testing New Suture Material
This passage will test your knowledge on the force of tension when testing a new suture material using this five-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Quiz: Claim Testing
A quiz over how to use the claim testing with scientific evidence.
Ready: Kids: Be a Hero
How prepared are you and your family if a disaster would occur? Kids, parents, and teachers can use this site to find tips to help prepare for multiple disaster situations. Included are learning games for kids, FAQ's and an emergency kit...
Arizona Pbs: Hurricane Preparedness
This video transcript features a Red Cross working discussing buying or preparing emergency kits for use in hurricanes or severe weather including what should go in the kits and where they should be located.
Pbs Learning Media: Meet the Helpers
Many children have questions and can feel uneasy when emergencies occur in their communities. The Meet the Helpers toolkit is designed to introduce "helpers" and explain the role they play in emergency situations. Included in the toolkit...
National Institutes of Health
Niehs: Hurricane Katrina
When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast area, NIEHS scientists and physicians were sent to assist with relief efforts. Provided is a helpful packing list and useful suggestions so you can help your family in case of an emergency or to...
Ready: Kids: Build a Kit
Join Gayle and her friends in gathering supplies needed for preparing for an emergency.
USA Today
Usa Today: Hurricane Safety Guide
Safety guide that studies different aspects of hurricanes such as how they are formed, damage they can do, and preparedness. Find links to other safety guides and information about hurricanes.
USA Today
Usa Today: Floods Are One of Weather's Biggest Killers
USA Today studies floods and has links to flood preparedness. Article from April, 2005.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Getting Help: Know the Numbers
What numbers should you always have handy in case of emergency? This website provides a list of phone numbers you could need in case of poisoning, fire, injuries, or crime. Click to the "Emergency Contact Sheet," print it out, and fill...
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Natural Hazards Center: Natural Hazards Observer
A publication of the Natural Hazards Center focusing on natural disaster research. Specific information available for numerous subtopics.
Noaa: Owlie Skywarns Weather Book [Pdf]
Download and print this free activity book about hurricanes, tornadoes, lightening, floods and winter storms. A quiz section is also included.
Province of British Columbia
Get Prepared for an Earthquake in British Columbia
Provides extensive information and a guide on how to be prepared for an earthquake in British Columbia.
USA Today
Usa Today: Your Guide to Tornado Safety
This resource provides information about tornado safety to its readers.
Nasa: Sci Jinks: When Disaster Strikes!
Can you survive a disaster? Find out what should be kept in a disaster kit to make sure you are prepared.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Preparing for Natural Disasters
This social studies lesson provides information and safety tips for different natural disasters. It integrates technology, writing, and art activities. The included slideshow may be presented to the whole group, or students may navigate...
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation: Disasters
The National Science Foundation provides us with a comprehensive report on disasters; understanding them, how to prepare for them, responding to them, and the latest news. Learn about the risks involved and how to minimize the effects.
Noaa: Hurricane Flooding: A Deadly Inland Danger
Detailed on-line brochure about hurricanes and the flooding that comes with these dangerous storms. Find photos and information about how to prepare for hurricanes.
USA Today
Usa Today: Thunderstorm Safety Guide
August, 2005 article that highlights thunderstorms and offers safety tips to avoid harm during a storm.
Helping Children After a Disaster: Information for Teachers
NASP offers tips to teachers and parents on how to help children cope after a natural disaster.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Are You Prepared?
Natural disasters come in many different forms. In order to be better prepared, students have to know the different types of disasters. In this instructional activity students will research natural disasters in order to create a brochure...