NWT Literacy Council
Nwt Literacy Council: Five Photo Stories (For Beginning Adult Readers) [Pdf]
The activities in this extensive unit (163 pages) are intended for adult learners but could be adapted for struggling readers at younger ages. The photo stories are brief, only a few sentences, and focus on Arctic topics, such as sled...
NWT Literacy Council
Nwt Literacy Council: How to Kit: Environmental Print Games [Pdf]
This package of reading bingo games is intended for use at a family literacy event on environmental print. There are suggestions for how to plan one. This type of community event may work best in a small community, such as those in the...
NWT Literacy Council
Nwt Literacy Council: How to Kit: Culture and Traditions [Pdf]
This kit explains the importance of northern First Nations families keeping their languages and cultures alive through family literacy activities. It provides ideas and materials for cultural games (e.g., string games) and activities...
Pbs Learning Media: Ready to Learn 2015 2020 Initiative
Through the Ready To Learn (RTL) Initiative, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), PBS, and local PBS stations provide free, evidence-based educational resources that help teachers, caregivers, and parents build early science...
NWT Literacy Council
Nwt Literacy Council: How to Kit: Word and Picture Bingos [Pdf]
This kit is designed for use at a picture bingo event for northern communities, to support family literacy. It could also be used in the classroom. The kits includes instructions and plenty of bingo pages.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Cboces: Migrant Education Program: Playground Games
Shows games children play when they are outside. Includes audio narration in 16 additional languages with text in English.
ICT Games
Ict Games: Dinosaurs Eggs Phonics
A game for students to practice elementary vocabulary and spelling. Choose from a list of patterns. Listen to the word and choose the egg that correctly spells the word that was said. Receive a certificate with words you know well and...
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Healthy Me: Championship Game
A picture book about the final championship baseball game of the season. Includes audio narration in English, Spanish, and Turkish with text in English.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Technology: I Spy on the Road
An I Spy game played while driving somewhere. The book includes audio narration in 17 additional languages with text in English.
Roy the Zebra
Roy the Zebra: Reading Games
Simple interactive games to help young students build reading skills.
Media Smarts
Media Awareness Network: Allies and Aliens: A Mission in Critical Thinking
This interactive module for Grades 7 and 8 is designed to increase students' ability to recognize bias, prejudice, and hate propaganda on the Internet and in other media. Includes an extensive teacher's guide.
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Financial Football
Make personal finance fun with Visa's fast-paced interactive NFL-themed video game that engages students while teaching them personal finance skills.
Media Smarts
Media Awareness Network
The Media Awareness Network (MNet) "promotes media and Internet education by producing online programs and resources". MNet provide resources pertaining to blog & news, media issues, research, educational games, and special initiatives.
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life
Visa provides a resource that teachers, parents, and students will all enjoy using. There are lesson plans here for all ages, as well as information about spending decisions, budgeting, and money management. Print your own play money,...
Pbs Learning Media: Sesame Street
Do you know how to get to Sesame Street? This collection is designed to engage preschoolers in everyday learning by teaching core skills in Math, Literacy, STEM, and Social and Emotional Development. Here you'll find hundreds of videos,...
Math Slice
Math Slice
More than three dozen math games, exercises and tools help students sharpen their math skills in engaging, interactive exercises. There are also a few literacy games available from this page.
University of Manchester
Children's University of Manchester: Word Literacy: Adjective Detective
A collection of animated lessons on adjectives, followed by a simple quiz and detective game. comparative describing superlative
University of Manchester
Children's University of Manchester: Word Literacy: Match the Eponyms
Students read a definition of eponym, then play a two-level game where they match items to the people they are named after.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Create and Play: Hop, Hop, Hop Scotch
Learn how to play hop scotch in a different way on a spiral design. Book includes audio narration in 10 additional languages with text in English.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Create and Play: Play Ball!
Look at the many different types of balls and the sports where they are used. Book includes audio narration in 15 additional languages with text in English.
Pbs Learning Media: Pbs Kids: Gratitude Bingo: Grades 1 and 2
A bilingual, weekly "Learn Along" Bingo card (one for PreK-K, one for Grades 1&2) will include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventure. Emphasis will be on the PBS KIDS 24/7...
Pbs Learning Media: Pbs Kids: Community Helpers Bingo: Pre K and K
(Week of April 27th) A bilingual, weekly "Learn Along" Bingo card (one for PreK-K, one for Grades 1 & 2) will include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventure. Emphasis will be on...
Pbs Learning Media: Pbs Kids: Community Helpers Bingo: Grades 1 and 2
A bilingual, weekly "Learn Along" Bingo card (one for PreK-K, one for Grades 1 & 2) will include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventure. Emphasis will be on the PBS KIDS 24/7...
Pbs Learning Media: Pbs Kids: Being Kind Bingo: Grades 1 and 2
(Week of October 12th) A bilingual, weekly "Learn Along" Bingo card (one for PreK-K, one for Grades 1 & 2) will include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventure. Emphasis will be...