Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: The Murmur of a Bee
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "IThe Murmur of a Bee", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jeff Kiok and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: The Riddle We Can Guess
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "The Riddle We Can Guess", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Ellie Wen and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: The Soul Selects Her Own Society
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "The Soul selects Her Own Society--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jan Stewart and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: The Way I Read a Letter's This
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "The Way I Read a Letter's--This--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: The Whole of It Came Not at Once
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "The Whole of it Came Not at Once--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: There's a Certain Slant of Light
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "There's a Certain Slant of Light", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jan Stewart and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: This Dust, and Its Feature
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "This Dust, and its Feature --", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: This World Is Not Conclusion
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "This World Is Not Conclusion", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: To Hang Our Head Ostensibly
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "To Hang Our Head--Ostensibly--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Mark Eckardt and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: To His Simplicity
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "To His Simplicity", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Kelsey Weber and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: To Put This World Down, Like a Bundle
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "To Put This World Down, Like a Bundle--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: To Venerate the Simple Days
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "To Venerate the Simple Days", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jeff Kiok and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: Under the Light, Yet Under
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "Under the Light, yet Under", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: Victory Comes Late
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "Victory Comes Late--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: We Can but Follow to the Sun
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "We Can but Follow to the Sun--", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Gary Bodwin and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: We Don't Cry Tim and I
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "We Don't Cry--Tim and I", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Mark Eckardt and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: We Learn in the Retreating
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "We Learn in the Retreating", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jeff Kiok and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: What Inn Is This
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "What Inn Is This", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Mark Eckardt and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: You're Right
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "You're Right", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Jan Stewart and can access a printable version of this piece.
Repeat After Us
Repeat After Us: Your Thoughts Don't Have Words Every Day
A poem from Emily Dickinson, "Your Thoughts Don't Have Words Every Day", is provided on this site. Students may listen to this poem read aloud by Sophia On and can access a printable version of this piece.
Read Works
Read Works: "Autumn"
[Free Registration/Login Required] A poem by Emily Dickinson about the approaching autumn. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: "A Bird Came Down the Walk"
[Free Registration/Login Required] A poem by Emily Dickinson about watching a bird. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: "Hope Is the Thing With Feathers"
[Free Registration/Login Required] A poem by Emily Dickinson about having hope. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: "If You Were Coming in the Fall"
[Free Registration/Login Required] A poem by Emily Dickinson about the uncertainty of time. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.