Wikipedia: Personal Area Network (Pan)
Wikipedia gives an excellent encyclopedia definition of a Personal Area Network for the computer, or PAN.
Wikipedia: Modem
Wikipedia provides an extensive encyclopedia definition of the term, "Modem," including history, description, internet access, and more.
Wikipedia: Local Area Network (Lan)
Wikipedia provides an encyclopedia definition of a local area network, or LAN, including many hyperlinked terms.
Wikipedia: Router
Wikipedia offers a detailed encyclopedia definition of the term, "router," including hyperlinked terms and links to router manufacturers and a picture of what a router looks like.
Wikipedia: Augsburg Confession
Wikipedia provides an encyclopedia entry on the Augsburg Confession, the primary confession of faith of the Lutheran Church and one of the most important documents of the Lutheran reformation.
Wikipedia: Erasmus
This encyclopedia site from Wikipedia can be translated into several different languages. Use this site out for more information on Erasmus (1466-1536 CE).
Wikipedia: Rocket
Wikipedia provides an encyclopedia definition of a rocket, including information on rocket history, size, types, and more.
Wikipedia: John Maynard Keynes
An in-depth encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on economist John Maynard Keynes details his life and professional works, and gives information about his skills as an investor.
Wikipedia: Fable
This is an encyclopedia entry for the word "Fable." It defines the term, explains its characteristics, provides background including Aseop's Fables and those from various countries, and offers a list of fabulists and their works.
Wikipedia: Parable
This is an encyclopedia entry for the word "Parable." It defines the word, discusses its origins, and provides examples.
Wikipedia: Understatement
This is an encyclopedia entry for the word "Understatement." It defines the term, provides background information about it, and offers references.
Wikipedia: 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing
The bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983 was a major terrorist incident. Discover facts about this deadly event from Wikipedia encyclopedia.
Wikipedia: Reform Party of the United States of America
This Wikipedia encyclopedia entry for Ross Perot's 1992 third-party presidential bid and his Reform Party of the 1990s provides history, platform issues, and related information and links.
Wikipedia: Molotov Ribbentrop Pact
An information-packed encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact presents a good summary of the events that led up to the signing of the pact. There is also a link to the text of the pact.
Wikipedia: Rail Transport
Information on railroads is found on this site from Wikipedia encyclopedia. Discusses the history of railways, different parts of the railway, types of trains, and the economic aspects of rail ownership and operation.
Wikipedia: Code Talker
This encyclopedia entry from Wikipedia explores the role of Native American code talkers during World War II. Content focuses on how the code was developed, as well as why the code remained unbroken throughout the duration of the war.
Wikipedia: Lee De Forest
This Wikipedia encyclopedia article on Lee de Forest discusses his life and his invention of the triode (or audion), which laid the foundation for radio.
Wikipedia: Government
This Wikipedia encyclopedia site examines a wide range of different forms of governments that have been suggested and/or used in practice. Topics include anarchism, autocracies, meritocracies, monarchies, democracies, republics,...
Wikipedia: Trans Alaska Pipeline System
Wikipedia Encyclopedia provides this article on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. It discusses its origin, the opposition it faced, legal issues, its construction and the impact it has had.
Wikipedia: Rome
Wikipedia's encyclopedia entry for Rome, the capital city of Italy, which became the capital during the days of the Roman Republic. Links are also provided for additional information on related subjects.
Wikipedia: Parti Quebecois
An encyclopedia entry that provides information on the major separatist political party in Quebec. The site includes information on the history of the party and its leaders, election results, and a variety of related links.
Wikipedia: Pythagoras
Encyclopedia article about Pythagoras that looks at his life, accomplishments, and his influence on other mathematicians. Includes pictures and links to additional information.
Wikipedia: Jeremiah (Prophet)
Read the life story of the prophet Jeremiah in this encyclopedia article.
Wikipedia: Electrolyte
This encyclopedia article offers a general overview of electrolytes. Content differentiates the difference in meaning when used in the context of chemistry vs. the context of physiology.