Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Sound Waves and Music: Intensity and the Decibel Scale
Students explore intensity of sound waves and the decibel scale in this interactive physics tutorial.
Creative Science Centre
Creative Science Centre: Demonstration of Radio Waves Generated by Mobile Phone
Described is a simple low cost home-made device that converts the radio wave energy from a mobile phone signal into electricity to light an LED. No battery or complex circuitry is required. The device can form the basis of a range of...
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Non Focusing Surfaces
This hypertext physics course tutorial on nonfocusing surfaces relates various design principles to good auditorium design. Illustrated.
American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Physics to Go: Explore Physics on Your Own
Contains a full physics curriculum with links to games, webcasts, and activities. By creating a free account, students and teachers can create their own personal collection of resources.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Energy: Lesson 4
This lesson will present the different states of energy and how they affect living things. It is 4 of 7 in the series titled "Energy."
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Scattering Concepts
A collection of several pages explaining the principles which underlie Rayleigh scattering of light.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Light
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Visible light and the different waves that make it up, infrared light and ultraviolet light.
Physics of Sound/image Analysis of Sound Pressure
A discussion on how to locate the sound image based upon the incident and reflected pulse of sound heard at a given location. For those looking for a challenge, follow the links to view derivations of wave equations for sound (uses...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Light: Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Spectrum and Photons
This article discusses the properties of electromagnetic radiation and photons.
American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Open Source Physics: Rectangular Well Superposition
A simulation that displays the 2D evolution of the position-space of a wave in an infinite 2D rectangular well.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Light Waves and Color: Blue Skies and Red Sunsets
Students will focus on the interaction of sunlight with atmospheric particles to produce blue skies and red sunsets.
American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Open Source Physics: Qm Measurement Package
Learn how to make measurement of energy eigenstates and their superpositions in quantum mechanics. Tutorial and exercises are included.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Relativistic Momentum
A clear (as these things go) presentation of the calculation of relativistic momentum. Given with a handy calculator that even calculates the % error. The site goes on to Momentum of a Photon, and to Relativistic Energy in Terms of...
Universidad Del Pais Vasco: Curso Interactivo De Fisica en Internet
This is a general Physics course from simple concepts such as the rectilinear movement to more complex as the energy bands of solids. Interactivity is achieved by the 646 applets embedded in web pages that are simulations of physical...
Glossopedia: Light
Light is a form of energy. We see it in many different forms all around us. It's the sunlight that pours through your bedroom window and wakes you up. Images and in-depth information on light can all be accessed in this article.
Pbs Learning Media: Einstein: How Smart Was He?
This essay from the NOVA Web site explores the impact Einstein made on physics and most everything we know about the cosmos.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Fundamentals of Physics
A collection of video lectures from a fundamentals of physics course taught at Yale University. The course is an introduction to physics and discusses Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravity, thermodynamics, and waves. Course...
Learn AP Physics
Learn Ap Physics: Physics B: Modern Physics
A site dedicated to help students prepare for the AP Physics B test. This specific site reviews Modern Physics including photons, photoelectric effect, atomic energy levels, The Michelson-Morley experiment, The Lorentz Transformation,...
American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Open Source Physics: Circular Well Superposition
A simulation that displays the time evolution of the position-space wave function using the Circular Well Eigenstate Superposition model.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: The Quantised World
After an introduction, this site breaks down into sections discussion quantum theory, including A Quantum Theory for Energy, A Quantum Theory for Atomic Structures, Waves or Particles, Quantum Mechanics, and Interpreting the Quantum World.
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey: Overview of Radiation
This site details what radiation is, the physics of radiation, and radiative transfer as it occurs in nature. Content explores the electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic waves, properties of radiation, and solar radiation.
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Stem Resources: Semiconductors
Several visualizations that help students understand the basic properties of semiconductors. Students can turn a silicon crystal into an insulator or a conductor, investigate the probability waves of an electron, and make a depletion...
University of Maryland
Thinking Problems in Oscillations and Waves: Mass on a S
A series of thought-intensive, multichoice questions from the University of Maryland concerning masses on springs. A downloadable software program on the topic is also included.