Pbs Learning Media: Thomas Edison: Inventor and Entrepreneur
Through a video and primary source activities, learners will learn about Edison's remarkable business of innovation and some of his 1,093 patented devices.
Biz Move
Biz Move: Free Home Based Business Plan Sample
This Bizmove site contains information on starting a business at home, including an "entrepreneurial personality" self-test and basic budget formation.
Small Business Administration: Starting a Business
Find out if you have what it takes to be a small business owner. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses through these topics.
U.s. Scouting Service Project: Merit Badge: Entrepreneurship
This site provides an outline for the entrepreneur to follow when thinking about starting a business.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor's Handbook: Patents
This site has everything you would want to know regarding United States patents is included in this handbook for the "Aspiring entrepreneur."
Scholastic: Serving Up Economics
This lesson plan describes how students can use a restaurant setting to study the basic concepts of economics, while they learn business, math, and even get to eat.
Foundation for Teaching Economics
The Foundation for Teaching Economics provides lesson plans and curriculum materials in a variety of areas of economics. Games and exercises enhance the lessons provided. Teachers can search by keywords or choose lessons from the list...