University of California
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Distribution in Time and Space
The Understanding Evolution site provides evidence for evolution in biogeography utilizing relative dating, geography, and plate tectonics.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Evolution: Fossils Quiz
Take this interactive, multiple-choice quiz over fossils, then review your score and any missed questions at the end.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Living Species
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses how evidence from living species provides clues about evolution.
University of California
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Similarities and Differences
A module explaining how two different organisms can possess similar traits by sharing a common ancestor(homology) or due to convergent evolution(analogy).
Pbs: Evolution: Origins of Humankind: Homo Sapiens
Read a description of Homo sapiens as a species, learn about the variety of Homo sapiens fossils that have been found, and discover evidence of the culture of these early people.
Pbs Learning Media: Riddle of the Bones
At the online companion Web site of "Evolution," the seven-episode series on PBS, piece together clues to how one of our early ancestors looked as you examine images from four significant fossil finds of Australopithecus afarensis.
University of California
Ucmp: Aves: Fossil Record
A very good article on the fossil evidence and the prominent theory on the evolution of birds. Addresses both sides and presents information. Predominently agrees with the pro-dinosaurian point of view.
The Cave of Chauvet Pont D' Arc
The only way to see the prehistoric cave paintings at Chauvet-Pont-D' Arc, France is to take the virtual tour offered here. Learn about the discovery of the caves and the archaeological evidence found that allows great insight into the...
Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: Paleobiology: Fossils and Time
Find out how fossil evidence has been the major link to learning about Earth's geologic history. See several illustrated interpretations of a geologic time scale in this online biology textbook.
National Health Museum
Nhm: Restriction Maps to Cladograms Lesson
This lesson plan requires students to analyze DNA restriction maps to determine the differences in the sequence for several primates and humans. They then use the information to create a cladogram.
National Health Museum
Access Excellence: Molecular Biology/primate Phylogeny
This lesson plan involves comparison of amino acids to create a phylogenetic tree of primates. Students will also use other species information to draw conclusions about evolutionary relationships.
Pbs: Intimate Strangers: Tree of Life
Find out how Dr. Carl Woese used RNA to develop the tree of life.
Indiana University
Ensi: The Great Fossil Find Lesson Plan
Students hear a story as they "find" bones that you have put in an envelope for them. Their job is to begin assembling the bones as best they can. The students will invariably come up with different configurations--just like scientists...
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Evidence and the Cambrian Explosion
Discover the scientific data that supports the significance of the Cambrian explosion.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Evidence of Evolutionary Transitions
Charles Darwin's theory that all living organisms are connected in some way has been confirmed through intense studies over centuries. Understand the similarities that bond all things living to the same family tree by checking out this...
Pbs Learning Media: Darwin's Letters to Lyell
In this letter written to his friend and mentor Charles Lyell less than three weeks after the publication of "On the Origin of Species", Darwin describes the reaction of the great anatomist Richard Owen to his theory. From Charles...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Great Transitions Interactive
A Click and Learn that explores transitional fossils that provide key evidence for evolution. Use this slideshow to understand how small steps were required to make big evolutionary changes.
Pbs Learning Media: Fossils in the Gobi
Biologist Mike Novacek discusses his discovery of mammal fossils in the Gobi Desert and tells us what we can learn from them. From an episode about extinction broadcast on the PBS series "Evolution."
Pbs Learning Media: Whales in the Making
This graphic from Evolution, traces the evolution of whales from land-dwelling mammals to the aquatic creatures we know today. A PDF is included that diagrams the evolutionary process that is believed to have taken place.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Human Origins: Human Family Tree
Find the human ancestor you are interested in and click on it either in the timeline or the list below for more details. Each fossil or reconstruction pictured includes links to more details about it.
Exploring Origins Project: Exploring Life's Origins
Explore life's evolutionary history on the planet through molecular illustrations and animations. Pictorial evidence is based on origin of life research and theory.
Story Behind the Science
Story Behind the Science: Ice Ages, an Alien Idea [Pdf]
Article describing the scientific evolution of theories about the ice ages and glaciation. The international efforts of scientists are noted, as well as the influence of societal mores on how long it would generally take for new ideas to...
Object of History: Guide to Doing History With Objects
Explore the dimensions of America's rich history by taking a detailed look at objects from our past. Examine stories, important moments, and the evolution of the American people via primary documents, photos, and other artifacts.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hhmi: Bio Interactive: Great Transitions: The Origin of Birds
Discover how birds descended from dinosaurs. Learn about the evidence scientist are uncovering to find out about the origin of birds. Throughout the video, there are embedded quiz modules that test students' understanding. [18:59]
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