Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: Development of Evolutionary Theory
Using diagrams and descriptive illustrations, this college-level biology reference book discusses the development of evolutionary theory.
University of California
Ucmp: Are Birds Really Dinosaurs?
A great essay that illustrates how science is done as well as the relationship between dinosaurs and modern birds. Includes a picture to illustrate this concept, and contains many links to related sites.
Wikipedia: Sexual Selection
Wikipedia offers a site on the topic of sexual selection, including an image and a description of one of the most famous types of sexual selection.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Charles Robert Darwin
(1890-1882) Naturalist known for his theories of Evolution and Natural selection
Class Flow: Natural Selection and Heredity
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students engage in the concept of natural selection and further their understanding of diversity and relatedness within the living world. Inquiries into evolution explain the ways in which natural...
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Explore Galapagos
This site provides a fun way of exploring the Galapagos Islands through pictures, sound, videos, games, learning exercises, and more.
Ohio State University
Ehistory: Clash of Cultures in the 1910s and 1920s: The Scopes Trial
Find the index to a larger site about the Scopes trial which has photographs pertinent to the trial, cartoons and diagrams, and essays and excerpts from magazines about the trial. Great primary source material.
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: Timeline: Remembering the Scopes Monkey Trial
NPR presents a timeline on the events surrounding the Scopes Monkey Trial. Includes photos, recollections and information on the people involved in the trial.
University of California
Ucmp: Phylogenetic Systematics: Evolutionary Trees
This page provides an introduction to phylogenetic systematics, the way that biologists reconstruct the pattern of events that have led to the distribution and diversity of life. A tutorial "journey" into the Introduction, Methodology,...
Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: The Nature of Science and Biology
Use the scientific reasoning and critical thinking to take an in-depth look at the basics of biology.
Pbs Teachers:how Did Humans Evolve?
Explore paleoanthropology by going on a virtual "dig" to answer questions about famous fossil finds. Explain how alternate hominid family trees result from different interpretations of the same fossil evidence.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Thomas H. Huxley
{1825-1895) English biologist known as "Darwin's Bulldog" for his advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
Curated OER
Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in Tennessee: Rhea County Courthouse
This courthouse was the scene of the Scopes Trial of July 1925, in which teacher John T. Scopes faced charges for including Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in his public school lessons. The trial became a clash of titans between the...
University of California
Ucmp: Early Dinosaur Discoveries in North America
This survey of early dinosaur discoveries in North America discusses the first dinosaur specimens and the scientific debate that they inspired.