Innovative Mobile Apps
Fry Words
Looking for a straightforward app for practicing high-frequency words? You've found one here! This app includes all 1000 Fry words and several ways for kids to practice with each and every one.
American Statistical Association
Bubble Trouble!
Which fluids make the best bubbles? Pupils experiment with multiple fluids to determine which allows for the largest bubbles before popping. They gather data, analyze it in multiple ways, and answer analysis questions proving they...
Orlando Shakes
Julius Caesar: Study Guide
What makes a good leader? Use the curriculum guide for William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar to help scholars answer that question. Pupils research the play's historical context and other background information before engaging in...
Curated OER
Nutrition and the Media: Cereal Box Consumerism
How many treats do you buy each week? Learners investigate diets and how the media tricks consumers into purchasing unhealthy snacks. They will investigate the designs and logos affiliated with cereal boxes and identify specific phrases...
Describing Egypt
Sennedjem - (19th Dynasty)
Who was Sennedjem and how does he relate to ancient Egypt? The resource describes the artisan's life as well as the village in which he lived, called Set Ma'at. Learners view where the people who built the tombs for powerful Egyptians...
Curated OER
Curator's Report
Pupils write a curator's report in order to persuade a board of directors to purchase an artwork for a museum.
Curated OER
Hopscotch Migration
Students examine the use of wetlands by migrating birds. They discuss reasons for the disappearance of wetlands. They discover how humans have affected wetlands as well.
Curated OER
Youth Engagement in Politics and Government
Students gain knowledge of government representatives, political parties, and the democratic process.
Curated OER
Civic Engagement for Us?
Students identify the different forms of civic engagement. They identify their responsibilities at the different levels of government. They also analyze young leaders running for office.
Curated OER
Health - Respiration
Here is an interesting and engaging lesson on the lungs and the respiratory system. In it, fourth graders should gain a better understanding of how the lungs work and the role they play in supporting life. Some good, in-class partner...
Curated OER
Cartoons for the Classroom: Why Are Cartoonists Vital to Democracy?
In this current events learning exercise, students analyze a political cartoon about the role of political cartoonists in democracies and respond to 3 talking point questions.
Curated OER
Nonpoint Source Pollution in Long Island Sound
Students examine and identify the types of nonpoint pollution on Long Island Sound. In groups, they walk the shoreline, collect trash and identify its source. Using that information, they create a variety of graphs of the different...
Curated OER
Are Viruses Alive: Sample Socratic Questions
Students comprehend the definition and uniqueness of life and its complexities. They examine what characteristics constitute a living organism. Students recognize the extent of the role viruses play in the movement and molding of life as...
Curated OER
We Care About Fire Safety
Students investigate the hazards of fires and how to best protect themselves and their family. In this home safety lesson, students examine the importance of a smoke detector and discover how many homes are missing them among their...
Curated OER
Breaking the Code: Actions and Songs of Protest
Young scholars listen to and discuss the purpose of protest music. They analyze an editorial cartoon related to Jim Crow and read questions from the literacy tests given to African-Americans. They work together to write a song about the...
Curated OER
Guidelines for Teaching the Holocaust
Eighth graders view a presentation about the importance of the Holocaust. In groups, they complete a workshop in which they discover the reasons and actions behind the event. They share their feelings about the material and stereotypes...
Curated OER
The Voices Within Theirs and Mine
Learners create new words to convey their thoughts. They find, list and discuss the poetic devices used by the poet in creating his or her war poem and create their own war poems. They use sensory perception words and memory in...
Curated OER
Long Island Sound - A Research Skill Approach
Eighth graders examine the characteristic of Long Island Sound. In groups, they use the internet to describe how the Sound formed and what environmental changes have altered it. They also discover what humans have done to affect the...
Curated OER
Assembling a Geologic History
Students combine information from several field labs to construct an overall geologic history of the local region. They are able to use published reports of the geologic history as they compile their own version.
Curated OER
Allosaur Survival Game
Students uses this game to see how difficult survival is even for a fierce predator, especially when it is young. It stresses: How much energy it takes to keep a large animal alive or a small one growing, The differences in the fauna...
Curated OER
World Population Activity II: Excel
Students import UNEP World population data/projections from either the World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision Population Database - UN Population Division or a text file. They graph this data by itself, and then along with...
Curated OER
World Population Activity I: Excel
Students use Excel to explore population dynamics using the Logistic equation for (S-shaped) population growth. This activity is primarily intended as an introductory tutorial on using Excel.
Curated OER
Biodiversity Count
Students count the number of species they can find in a five minute block of time in both an urban lawn and natural, remnant forest area. They are introduced to the concept of low and high biodiversity areas and engage in a discussion...
Curated OER
Marine Environmental Geology
Students take this course as an introduction to the aspects of marine geology and oceanography that affect the environment and marine resources. Topics include estuarine oceanography and sediments, eutrophication of coastal waters,...