Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Health (La Salud): Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - (saw/sew, caught/coat). Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge," for suggested...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Transportation (Transporte)
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "e" & "ey" (wet/wait, test/taste). Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Shopping (Compras): Pronunciation/sonidos
This site focuses on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "c" & "g". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge" for suggested follow-up...
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Mirrors in Imaging
A discussion from Georgia State University of different types of mirrors and the images which they create. Discusses different instruments which use mirrors to produce images.
Auburn University
Auburn University: The Letterbox Lesson
What is the rationale behind the "Letterbox Lesson?" This site reveals how students must understand the phoneme sequence in words in order to decode them. Come and learn more.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: The Eye: Structure and Function
In this lesson, learners learn about the structure and function of the human eye and research how it compares to animal eyes. They will then choose an eye, write a description, and make an illustration of it, which other students will...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 8th Grade
This article focuses on spelling in the 8th grade including applying standard English conventions to unfamiliar words, how to practice spelling words, and a link to 8th-grade sight words.
Hop's Gallery: Perspective Study
This webpage explores traditional perspective drawings as well as contemporary drawings, focusing on their use of horizontal and vertical lines.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 1st Grade
This article focuses on teaching spelling to first graders including Dolch sight words for 1st grade and strategies for teaching spelling such as syllabification, drawing symbols with words, matching words with pictures, and playing...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 2nd Grade
This article focuses on teaching spelling to 2nd graders including the Dolch sight words for 2nd grade, the number of spelling words per week, and links to online resources.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Teaching Spelling in 3rd Grade
This article focuses on teaching 3rd grade spelling including Dolch sight words for 3rd grade and the weird spelling patterns that 3rd graders face such as the letter Y, diphthongs, double consonants, and homophones.
Iris Pigmentation Research Info
The focus of this site is the anatomy of the eye. The site include diagrams and slides showing details at the light microscope and electron microscope level.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Clothes (La Ropa): Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "j" & "y". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's Lounge," for suggested...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site from Ingles Mundial focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition - contrasts "s" & "z". Great interactive listening comprehension exercises reinforce teachings. Site has a "Teacher's...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: The Future: Pronunciation/sonidos
Extensive site focusing on Spanish-speaking ELL. This section practices sound recognition.
Digital History
Digital History: The Great Society and the Drive for Black Equality
Read about President Lyndon Johnson's vision for the Great Society. See how the programs instituted were focused on lifting the poor from poverty, especially African Americans. Included were laws to increase civil rights and voting...
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Colonizing the Bay
John Winthrop's "Model of Christian Charity" was delivered as a sermon aboard the Arabella, as the Puritans approached their destination of Massachusetts Bay in 1630. The speech spells out his vision of the society they hoped to create...
Wichita Art Museum
The focus at the Wichita Art Museum is on American art: American Character, American Still Life Traditions, American West, American Paradise, Americans Abroad, American City, American Continent, Independent American Visions, and Triumph...
The BIG zoo
The Big Zoo: Grevy's Zebra (Equus Grevyi)
A site with information about Grevy's Zebra. Content focuses on this animal's diet, habitat, social structure, reproduction, and good eyesight. A video clip is also included.
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Carnegie Museum: North South East West: American Indians and the Natural World
Web companion site to the Alcoa Foundation Hall of American Indians exhibit at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. It focuses on American Indians' relationships with the natural world and explores four different visions: the Tlingit...
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum: The Secret Life of Bats: Bat Senses
Part of an online exhibit on bats, this section focuses on bat senses: sight, olfaction (smell), echolocation, and hearing.
Class Flow: Fire Safety for Kindergarten
[Free Registration/Login Required] Fire Safety lesson including KWL chart, tools firefighters use, links to Sparky's sight and Smokey the Bear's website. Lists fire safety rules in a learning focused format.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Storyboard
Give students the chance to write their own Reader's Theater script! Small groups choose their genre, compose summaries, use their knowledge of story structure to deconstruct the text and turn it into a new creation, and finally rehearse...