Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Reaumur, Rankine Temperature Conversion Formulas
A resource for converting between five different temperature scales. Also provides the formulas and the temperature scale ranges.
Pbs: Modeling the Linear Relationship Between Fahrenheit and Celsius
Explore the relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius. This video focuses on developing an expression to model the relationship between the temperature scales using a line graph to calculate slope and the y intercept.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Temperature Scales: Lesson 2
This lesson compares and contrasts the Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celsius temperature scales. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Temperature Scales."
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Temperature Scales: Lesson 1
This lesson compares and contrasts the Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celsius temperature scales. It is 1 of 2 in the series titled "Temperature Scales."
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Temperature, Kinetic Theory, and the Gas Laws: Temperature
By the end of this section, you will be able to define temperature; convert temperatures between the Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin scales; define thermal equilibrium; and state the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
USA Today
Usa Today: Converting Between Temperature Scales
A chart that will help you quickly make rough conversions between the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales. It also contains formulas to make more exact conversions.
US Navy
Naval Research Office: Ocean Water: Temperature Scales
For an overview of the four temperature scales, visit this site. General information is given about the scales including their boiling and melting points.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Temperature
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In this interactive tutorial students will learn the physics definition of temperature, how temperature is measured and how to convert the units of temperature...
Open Stax: College Physics: Temperature
A section dedicated to defining temperature. Learn the common misconceptions about temperature and how temperature is defined scientifically. Understand the temperature scales and how to convert between them. Also discussed is the zeroth...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Do You Have a Temperature?
In this activity, students represent and analyze climate data. They use linear regressions to understand the relationship between temperatures measured in the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales and examine conversion factors.
The Environmental Literacy Council
Environmental Literacy Council: Temperature
The difference between heat and temperature is explained, followed by a discussion of temperature and its relation to global climate change. Gallileo Galilee, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, Anders Celsius, and Carl Linnaeus are mentioned in...
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Temperature
A page describing the concept of temperature and temperature scales. An interactive JavaScript form allows the visitor to investigate the relationship between the Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit scales; enter a value and allow the...
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: Introduction to Chemistry
This WebQuest takes students through the basics of chemistry. Explore the Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales, the periodic table, Nitrogen and gravity.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Unit Conversions
In this activity, students learn to convert temperature readings on the Fahrenheit scale to temperature readings on the Celsius scale.
Bbc Skillswise: Measuring: Temperature
Information about reading and comparing temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Cuemath: Temperature
The article explains temperature. Specifically, you will learn about the temperature scale, temperature scale conversions, and the types of instruments used to measure temperature. Included are solved examples and interactive problems...
Curated OER
University of Oregon: Images: Fahrenheit and Celsius: Temperature Scales
Graphic compares boiling point, freezing point, and absolute zero for the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: Ww2010: Units of Temperature
The Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales are discussed. Site lists and explains formulas for converting between the different scales.
Curated OER
Usa Today: Converting Between Temperature Scales
This site explains how to do temperature conversion between the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Also explains how to convert temperatures into the Rankine and Kelvin scales.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Physics 2000: Temperature and Absolute Zero
Another awesome page from the Physics 2000 site. Entertaining, interactive, educational, understandable. Explains the meaning of temperature and absolute zero. Discusses the temperature scales. Requires Java.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: About Temperature
This site from the University Corporation of Atmospheric Research provides a lengthy page covering numerous topics including the difference between heat and temperature, the use of different temperature scales, thermal expansion, how a...
Geography 4 kids
Geography4 kids.com: Different Scales
In three scales and several different types of thermometers scientists can study the temperature of all things.
Curated OER
Thermometer Showing Farenheit and Celsius
This article explores the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales. It lists their boiling and freezing points, and conversion from one to the other.
Boiling and Freezing Point
This site provides an explanation behind why the boiling and freezing points for the Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit scales were chosen.