University at Buffalo
University at Buffalo: Helene Johnson Poetry
This site, which is provided for by the University at Buffalo, gives the text of three of the poems of this famous Harlem Renaissance author.
PBS Sterling Brown, Biography
PBS offers a brief, but well-written, biography of the famous Harlem Renaissance author.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Modern American Poetry: Claude Mc Kay
A biography and analysis of the life of the famous author, as well as literary criticism as well as online poems, letters and a bibliography. Includes many quotes and his poetry.
Stanford University
Stanford University: Lesson Plan on "Beyond Vietnam"
A well designed four part lesson plan on Dr. King's famous speech on the Vietnam War in which he came out against the war.
African American Inventors and Their Inventions: Granville T. Woods
Here is a thorough biography of inventor Granville T. Woods, who is credited with improving railway safety for bot the trains and trainmen. Find out what concepts in railroad safety are still being used today.
National Women's Hall of Fame
National Women's Hall of Fame: Sojourner Truth
The National Women's Hall of Fame provides a brief biography of the famous abolitionist and former slave, Sojourner Truth.
Digital History
Digital History: Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was one of the most important figures in the civil rights movement. In this biographical account, follow the steps of Marshall from his days as a law student at Howard Law School, to his victories as chief counsel for...
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
De Paul University: Center for Urban Education: George Washington Carver [Pdf]
"George Washington Carver" is a one page, biographical passage about George Washington Carver, an African American professor who taught farmers and students better methods for farming, including planting peanuts to improve the soil. It...
Wikipedia: Sojourner Truth
Easy to read biography of anti-slavery activist, abolitionist and feminist, Sojourner Truth. Article covers her early life as a slave, her Civil War years, and her famous speeches.
Black Past
Black Past: Lafayette, James Armistead (1760 1832)
A brief biography of James Lafayette reveals that he was a spy during the American Revolution. He fooled the likes of Benedict Arnold and General Cornwallis of Britain!
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Social Realism: Booker T. Washington
Focused on his personal racial and civil philosophy, Booker T. Washington moved mountains making the public aware of the injustices and inequalities of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Click "Booker T. Washington...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies: George Washington Carver
An introduction to George Washington Carver, the talented, intelligent inventor. Learn why he was called a "Miracle Worker" for his vast knowledge of plants and agriculture. (In Spanish)
Schools of California Online Resources for Education
Score H/ss: Booker T. Washington
Biography of Booker T. Washington. Includes photographs and illustrations.
Abc: Abstraction
Alma Woodsey Thomas is the focus of this lesson plan that introduces students to abstract art. Students will come to understand how the art elements can be used to express emotion and communicate ideas without including objects in the...
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Comission
Explore Pa History: Marian Anderson
Examine the historical contributions of world renown opera singer and Pennsylvania native, Marian Anderson in this concise biography.
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Constitutional Rights Foundation: w.e.b. Du Bois
Article outlining the ideas, life and career of W.E.B. Dubois.
ESPN Internet Ventures
Espn: Owens Pierced a Myth
An ESPN article discusses how Jesse Owens proved Hitler wrong by winning the 1936 Olympics in Germany.
Ducksters: Black History Month
Kids learn about Black History Month including its origins, famous African-American leaders, civil rights events, resources, and fun facts.
Authors Calendar
Author's Calendar: Wole Soyinka
A complete biography of Nigerian writer, Wole Soyinka, with a list of his works. He was the first black, African Nobel prize winner and has written a variety of literature from plays to poems.
Pbs: Duke Ellington's Washington
This site explores the life of Duke Ellington, as well as the strong African-American community that flourished in Washington, D.C., during the time that Ellington lived there (1899-1923).
Pbs: Biography of Dizzy Gillespie
This PBS biography about trumpeter and jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie includes photos, multiple audio features, and links within the text to other famous musicians.
San Diego Zoo Global
San Diego Zoo: Animals
This resource describes the most popular animals at the world-famous San Diego Zoo. Each profile gives background about a specific animal, and more information about the species.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg: The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois
This famous examination of the struggle for identity and equality is presented in multiple digital formats.
Columbia University
Columbia University Libraries: Notable New Yorkers: Mamie Clark
On this website you can read about Dr. Mamie Clark, distinguished African-American educator, and hear an interview with her about her studies of race and child development. This interview is part of Columbia University's Oral History...