Science Matters
Earthquakes and Volcanoes Pre-Assessment
See how much your class knows about earthquakes and volcanic activity and how these events shape geologic features. The first lesson in the series of 20 is a pre-test to find out what pupils already know. It includes 10 vocabulary...
Great Schools
Letter of Complaint
If you've ever received bad service or disagreed with a company's decision, writing a letter of complaint might be a good skill to have. Review the format of a letter, author's purpose, and other aspects of persuasive writing with an...
Curated OER
Persuasive Essay Evaluation
In this persuasive essay peer evaluation worksheet, students give the form to 4 peers so that they may review their persuasive writing piece.
Curated OER
Using the Past Perfect
In this past perfect tenses worksheet, students practice forming the past perfect of verbs as they combine sentences. Students read the two given sentences and complete the past perfect sentence by filling in the correct verb form.
Curated OER
Future Tense of Verbs
In these future tense of verbs worksheets, young scholars write the future tense of the verbs to complete the first 5 sentences. Students then answer the questions in complete sentences using the future tense of the verb. Young scholars...
Curated OER
Science - How are Animals Grouped?
In these categorizing animals worksheets, students complete 20 true or false statements about animal groups. Students then classify the animals in the box into the correct column. Students write the letter of the correct answer for the...
Curated OER
Reported Speech
In this reported speech worksheet, learners use the correct form of the verb in a reported speech sentence. Students are given a direct quotation and must form a reported speech sentence based upon it.
Curated OER
Mixed Verb Tenses (Part 5)
In this mixed verb tenses worksheet, young scholars, for each sentence, choose the correct form of the verb to make each sentence grammatically correct.
Curated OER
ESL: Present Perfect Tense
In this ESL present perfect worksheet, students change sentences from present simple to present perfect; students can click on a "check" button after typing an answer.
Curated OER
ESL: Modals-Can, Could, Be able to, May, Might
In this ESL modals worksheet, students type in the appropriate word to correctly complete sentences, choosing from: can, could, be able to, may or might, using negatives when necessary.
Curated OER
Cloze Exercise: Gerunds and Infinitives
In this gerunds and infinitives worksheet, students use either the gerund or the infinitive form of a given verb to complete the sentences correctly. Students have the option to "cheat" and get a hint to check their answers.
Curated OER
Verbs; Simple Past (Regular Verbs)-2
In this foreign language worksheet, students complete sentences by filling in the blanks. Each sentence contains a hint that gives the student a clue as to the intended final meaning of the sentence.
Curated OER
Canadian Studies Exercise
For this Canadian studies worksheet, students fill in the blanks in 10 sentences, describe the significance of 5 notable people or events, and respond to 10 true and false questions pertaining to Canada and its history.
Curated OER
Past Simple or Past Continuous
In this verbs worksheet, students fill in the blanks to sentences with the correct form of the verbs, either the past simple or past continuous forms. Students complete 12 words.
Curated OER
Total English-Intermediate ELL
In this ELL worksheet, students reorder sentences, work with a partner on a scenario to inspire employees, and present their ideas to the class.
Curated OER
Gerund or Infinitive
In this gerund or infinitive worksheet, students complete sentences with the gerund "ing" ending or the infinitive "to" form of the verb. Students answer ten fill in the blank questions.
Curated OER
Past Continuous Tense
In this past continuous tense worksheet, learners choose the correct form of the past continuous tense in ten multiple choice sentences.
Curated OER
Crime and Deviance
In this Crime and Deviance worksheet, students answer seventy-eight questions, then respond to ten essay questions on these topics.
Curated OER
Participial Adjectives 2
In this participial adjectives activity, students are asked to fill in the blanks using the correct form of the adjective provided.
Polk Bros Foundation
Meet the Nonfiction Main Idea Challenge
Help your class develop the ability to determine a main idea with a packet of materials that you can introduce and use over a period of time. The packet includes some information for the teacher and rationale for the exercises. There are...
Curated OER
King Tutankhamun
Using the King Tutankhamun exhibition as the topic for this 12 question activity, learners change sentences from the declarative to interrogative forms. Students would need to given information about King Tutankhamun in order to complete...
Curated OER
Verbs; Simple Past (Regular Verbs)-1
In this foreign language worksheet, pupils read ten sentences. Each sentence contains a missing word (verb). Students fill in the blank with an appropriate verb that fits with the intended meaning of the sentence.
Curated OER
Verbs, Mixed Verbs-2
In this foreign language worksheet, students select the best choice from the three given to fill in the blank left in each of ten sentences. Each blank requires students to select a past participle form that is the best fit.
Curated OER
Causatives 2
In this causative construction exercise, students complete each causative sentence using the correct form of "to have" or "to get." Students can get help by clicking on "Show a Letter."