University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Comparisons With Adjectives
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a succinct presentation of comparative adjectives (plus que, moins que, aussi que) and irregular adjectives (bon/meilleur, mauvais/pire). Provides usage examples, dialogues and interactive...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Negation
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides good information on negation. "Different nuances of negation are achieved by using the following negative expressions: ne jamais, ne pas encore, ne rien, ne personne, ne pas du tout." Site...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Regular "Er" Verbs
This site from Tex's French Grammar is a wonderful site with clear explanation of the "er" verbs, with usage examples and interactive practice exercises (written and audio).
Zut!: Interactive French Activities
This site provides activities for teaching and learning French organized by level. Basic lessons include learning to talk about oneself and numbers; more advanced lessons cover contemporary France, immigration, the distribution of wealth...
City College, San Francisco: French Online Grammar Quiz
Series of interactive online grammar quizzes divided into 12 chapters (intended to accompany text "Allons-y" but text not necessary). Each chapter is divided into various concepts and provides a short, self-correcting test - several in...
Illustrated French Vocabulary
Interactive vocabulary drills - students are presented with an image and choose from a drop down window listing possible choices - arranged thematically.
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas: Francais Interactif
This full-featured interactive textbook encounter utilizes French speakers in real life scenarios. Well structured for work on grammatical concepts (links to Tex's French Grammar), vocabulary, listening comprehension and exposure to...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Depuis, Pendant, Pour "For"
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a good explanation of the three prepositions in French, depuis, pendant and pour, that are translated as 'for' and are used to indicate the duration of an event. Provides usage examples and...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Simple and Regular Future
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a clear and concise presentation of the future. Shows stem and endings, provides written and audio examples and interactive practice exercises, including dialogues.
Language Guide
Language Guide: Regular "Ir" Verbs Present
This French list and audio tutorial teaches regular "ir" verb endings.
Language Guide
Language Guide: Regular Er Verbs(conjugation)
Learn French verb endings for regular "er" verbs in this tutorial that includes an audio pronunciation aid.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Forest Animal Vocabulary Printout
This site has printout drawings of half a dozen animals (bear, deer, worm etc.) and some related parts (claw, antlers). Provides a fill-in-the-blank format. Can also be printed with labels already filled in. Uses answers as a word bank....
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Irregular Subjunctive
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a concise explanation of the subjunctive mood, listing some verbs that have irregular formations in the subjunctive. Brief explanation of when to use focuses primarily on "il faut que"...
University of Texas at Austin
Francais Interactif Fetes: Holidays
Wonderful interactive video clips, interviews and vocabulary all relating to French holidays and traditions. Site has excellent cultural information, high quality videos and top-notch auditory practice.
Language Guide
Language Guide: Pronominals (Reflexives)
Presentation of Pronominal verbs - discusses various usage, such as reciprocity, usage without an external agent, and to form the passive. Has audio for pronunciation guide and interactive exercises. There are several languages available...
Columbia University
The Imparfait vs. the Passe Compose Ii
This site from London's Transport Museum provides a series of six exercises covering Le Passe Compose (Avoir and Etre), L?Imparfait, Le Present, Le Futur, Le Conditionnel. Students can print out their answers to check them, and they are...
Polar Fle
Two French teachers created this game based on solving a murder mystery, much like the game Clue (Cluedo). In going from task to task, gather "evidence" to figure out who is guilty. Activities are divided into four levels: beginner,...
Read Works
Read Works: French Native American Relations in the Great Lakes Region
[Free Registration/Login Required] This historical passage discusses the relations between the French and Native Americans in the Great Lakes Regions during the 1700's and 1800's. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that...
An amazing site that provides the reader with a choice of English, Spanish or French activities and reading. This is a very comprehensive site filled with a gallery of educational links. Notable among these links is a list of English...
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Sewing Tools provides a fill-in-the-blank drawing of various sewing tools, this page can be printed. This page also has a version that can be printed with labels already filled in.