A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Reference: Habitats: Freshwater
Learn about the plants, animals, and other characteristics of some freshwater ecosystems.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Freshwater Biomes
This presentation provides information about the characteristics of several different freshwater ecosystems.
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Week of 3 10 14: Freshwater Crisis
Article reports on ways in which climate change is affecting freshwater.
Noaa: Freshwater
This site is designed to assist the educator in teaching concepts and processes related to freshwater environments and to increase stewardship of these important resources. There are links to resources regarding the Great Lakes...
Freshwater Ecoregions of the World
The World Wildlife Fund and the Nature Conservancy have compiled a comprehensive database about the freshwater regions of the world. Includes great interactive maps to find detailed information about any area of interest. Explore what's...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Biology: Aquatic Ecosystems: Self Check Quiz
Try these five multiple-choice questions about aquatic ecosystems. After answers are submitted, students can review their mistakes.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Ecosystems: Aquatic Ecosystems
A video and a short multiple-choice quiz on the topic of aquatic ecosystems. It discusses the difference between freshwater and saltwater ecosystems, then explains what the three ecozones are in a marine ecosystem.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Rivers and Streams
Learn more about Rivers and Streams through this educational resource. This site features photographs, a description, fun facts, and more about this type of freshwater ecosystem.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Freshwater Biomes
Listen to this podcast discussing the similar characteristics of the freshwater biomes of the world. [0:47]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Freshwater Biomes
This colorful slideshow provides a nice introduction to the freshwater biomes around the world.
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden: Fresh Water Wetlands
What are fresh water wetlands? What creatures live in a wetland? Are wetlands in danger? Find out at this informative site. Use the toolbar at the left to navigate through the site.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: The Decline of North American Freshwater Fishes
An article addressing the need of immediate action to repair damages of declining life in the ecosystems of North American inland bodies of water.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Probing an Aquatic Ecosystem
In this activity, students' use a pH sensor and Temperature Sensor to measure and compare the pH and temperature of three aquariums over a period of several weeks. They will compare and understand how plants and animals affect the water...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigating Aquatic Ecosystems: Macroinvertebrates and Water Quality
Learners will investigate three aquatic ecosystems (pond, stream, bog) to determine the relative pollution index and the water quality of each ecosystem. They will collect and analyze the benthic organisms found in each system and...
Freshwater Ecology
This is a comprehensive and detailed site providing information on aquatic macroinvertebrates. The emphasis is on biomonitoring of water quality through quantitative assessment of numbers and types of small aquatic organisms.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Facts About Freshwater Biome
Describes the characteristics of a freshwater biome, the climate, and the animals and plants that live there.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Freshwater Biomes: Lesson 2
This lesson will provide an understanding of the characteristics and role of freshwater biomes, and its effect on living things. It is 2 of 4 in the series titled "Freshwater Biomes."
Biology Wise: Freshwater Biome Plants
Brief overview of types of freshwater biomes and the plants that live in them, as well as adaptations that plants have made in order to survive there.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 12.14 Aquatic Biomes
Understand the living and nonliving aspects of aquatic ecosystems.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Freshwater Biome
Kids learn about the freshwater aquatic biome. Ecosystems such as rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands, swamps, and bogs.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: World Biomes and Ecosystems
Kids learn about the world's biomes and ecosystems. The network of life and biodiversity needed for all to survive.
Environments and Ecosystems of North Carolina
North Carolina is located within the temperate deciduous forest global biome, however, a great variety of forest and non-forest ecosystems may be found within the state. The temperature and moisture regimes throughout North Carolina are...