Interactive Mathematics

Interactive Mathematics: Millionaire Calculus Game

For Students 9th - 10th
This interactive game imitates the famous "Millionaire" game show and allows students to test there calculus knowledge. It requires that you really know your calculus and is a fun way to test yourself.

Quia: Basic Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards

For Students 9th - 10th
Use this site to improve your memory of basic Spanish vocabulary words by playing the flashcard game. On one side of the card is a word in Spanish covering topics of greetings, numbers, colors, family members, etc. When you click the...

Quia: Adjetivos Concentration

For Students 9th - 10th
In this online game of concentration you must test your knowledge of a variety of adjectives in Spanish as well as your ability to remember where you last saw the card. You must match the Spanish adjective with the correct English...