Johan Claeys
Math Abundance: Hyperbolic Functions and Inverses
Site has information and examples for topics about hyperbolic functions and inverses.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Analysis: Functions and Inverses
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In this lesson students are provided with an introduction to inverses of functions. Students examine guided notes, review guided practice, watch instructional videos...
Purple Math
Purplemath: Proving That Two Functions Are Inverses of Each Other
This resource explains how to verify that two functions are inverses of each other.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Verifying Inverse Functions by Composition
Learn how to verify whether two functions are inverses by their composition. Students are given examples and practice problems.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Analysis: Functions and Inverses
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] This lesson covers how to find the inverse of a function. Students examine guided notes, review guided practice and attempt practice problems.
Stefan Warner and Steven R. Costenoble
Finite Mathematics & Applied Calculus: Inverse Functions
The resource investigates inverse functions. Topics examined are domain, range, one-to-one functions, graphing inverse functions, finding inverse functions algebraically, and logarithmic and exponential functions. Students learn about...
Radford Univ.: One to One Functions and Inverse Functions
This is a very short site from Radford University with a definition of One-To-One Functions and Inverse Functions.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Inverse Functions
This tutorial contains four lessons on inverse functions (on five pages) including an introduction, inverse functions with no domain restriction, composition of functions, and inverse functions with domain restriction. Includes practice...
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Graphs of the Inverse Trig Functions
This site reviews basic information on inverse functions and inverse notation. Graphs of inverse trig functions are shared and discussed.
Cuemath: Reciprocal Function
Explore the world of reciprocal functions in this mini-lesson. Discusses a definition its domain and range, graphing of the reciprocal function, solved examples on reciprocal functions, and interactive questions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Trigonometry: Inverses of Trigonometric Functions
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Here you'll learn how to find the domain and range of inverse trigonometric functions by utilizing the reflection principle.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Functions and Their Inverses
Given a functional relationship in a variety of representations (table, graph, mapping diagram, equation, or verbal form), the student will determine the inverse of the function.
Cuemath: Inverse Operations
Explore the world of inverse operations by finding answers to questions like what are inverse operations, what are properties of inverses, and how to use inverse operations with help of interactive questions on inverse operations.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Graphing Inverse Variation Functions
This learning tutorial about how to graph inverse variation functions combines videos, a PowerPoint presentation, and helpful hints. The videos demonstrate how to solve example problems and the PowerPoint presentation provides some key...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra: Composition of Functions
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] This lesson describes and demonstrates composition of functions. Students examine guided notes, review guided practice, watch instructional videos and attempt...
Cengage Learning
Cengage: Inverse Trigonometric Functions [Pdf]
This site provides a presentation on inverse trigonometric functions. In the presentation students will learn to evaluate and graph the inverse sine function, other inverse trigonometric functions and the composition of trigonometric...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Functions, Relations, and Inverses
This set of questions pertains to definition of functions, relations, inverses, and composition. Questions are multiple choice, true/false, and short answer. Solutions and explanations are included.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Inverse Functions: Definition of "Inverse" / Drawing the Inverse
Explains the concept of inverse functions, covers some typical exercises, and demonstrates how to find the inverse of a given function.
University of North Carolina
University North Carolina Wilmington: Inverse Functions
Take a look at inverse functions from their definition to graphing them. This site also shows you how to find the inverse of a function.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: On Inverse Functions With Restricted Domains
Offers a step-by-step explanation of a one-to-one function problem on inverse functions with restricted domains, clearly using the horizontal line test. Includes sample problems.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Inverse Functions, No Domain Restrictions
A good S.O.S. Math lesson on inverse functions with examples on inverse functons.
Paul Dawkins
Paul's Online Notes: Algebra: Inverse Functions
Detailed math tutorial features notes and examples that take a look at the process of finding inverse functions. It also defines one-to-one functions.
Engineering Fundamentals: Hyperbolic Functions
A complete list of hyperbolic functions, plots of hyperbolic functions, and formulas. Includes links to related topics.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Composition of Functions: Composing With Sets of Points
An in-depth lesson that explains the notation and terminology of function composition, and demonstrates how to use composition. Successive pages look at composing functions at points, composing functions with functions, word problems...