Museum of the Fur Trade: Traders, Trappers, and Indians
The French were the premier fur traders in the 18th century, but many groups besides the French were involved also. Find extensive information and artifacts about the fur trade, what was traded, who the traders were, and how the trade...
Digital History
Digital History: Mountain Men
The life of the fur trappers and traders was harsh, and fur, as a valuable commodity, was short-lived. Read about the effect the traders had on life in the West.
The Bridger Trail: Biography of Jim Bridger
Read about Jim Bridger's exploits as fur trader, mountain man, entrepreneur, and military guide. His knowledge of the Rocky Mountains was invaluable. (From Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office)
Mountain Men, Trappers, and Fur Traders: John Jacob Astor
This is a very brief site on the man who came to monopolize the fur trade, John Jacob Astor. Hyperlinks for additional information.
American Mountain Men: Mountain Men and the Fur Trade
On-line research center features numerous resources dedicated to the history of the Mountain Men in the American West. This project includes primary sources, images, maps, artwork, newspaper articles, artifacts, and links to related...
Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Alberta Online Encyclopedia: The Hudson's Bay Company's Monopoly (1821 1850)
Learn about the Hudson's Bay Company monopoly of the fur trade in Western Canada from 1821-1850. This Alberta Online Encyclopedia article has pictures, hot links to important terms and a Listen link that features audio from the Heritage...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Utah History Encyclopedia: Jedediah S. Smith
This resource provides a biography about Jedediah Smith, centering primarily around his explorations of the West in the 19th century.
Oregon's First Settlers: Genealogical Research in Oregon
See a chart showing the number of settlers using the Oregon Trail between 1840 and 1859 by scrolling down to "Wagon Trains."
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