Beacon Learning Center
Beacon Learning Center: Anglemania!
Students explore four types of angles in this interactive web lesson.
Class Flow: Introducing Angles
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students learn the difference between obtuse, acute and reflex angles and then use the protractor to measure various angles.
Pbs Learning Media: Directions to Hen Rock
The CyberSquad has to deal with angles and distances to locate a treasure chest in this video segment from Cyberchase.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Basic Geometry: Points, Lines, and Angles
Students can review basic geometric terms using these self-check, multiple choice questions. Three levels of questions are provided.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Learn about the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem and some of its applications. Also explains how to identify acute and obutse triangles through the use of the...
Rice University
Rice University: Geometry Online: Impossible Triangles
This site has an activity that displays several impossible triangles. The rules for triangles are also displayed. The student has to determine which rule has been violated for each impossible triangle.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Interactive Triangles
This is an excellent tool for students to explore how changes in the size of a triangle's sides or angles affect its appearance. Different types of triangles and angles are presented.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Triangle Information
This Oswego City School District site from the Regents Exam Prep Center provides an explanation of the classifications of triangles both by sides and by angles. Pictures are also included.
Quia: Geometric Terms Word Search
Do you need practice remembering or learning different geometry vocabulary words and definitions? This word search is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of terms with definitions you can click if you want to see if you are...
Quia: Geometric Terms Matching
Do you need practice remembering or learning different geometry vocabulary words and definitions? This matching game is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of terms with definitions you can click if you want to see if you are...
Quia: Spanish 2 Final Exam Review 2003
You can assess your knowledge of the various parts of angles and lines at this web site. You respond to a series of questions. A running total is visible showing the number of correct responses you have as you work your way through the...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Area of Triangles
Practice finding the area of right, acute, and obtuse triangles. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Math Planet
Math Planet: Pre Algebra: Triangles
Learn about the types of triangles by taking a look at an example and a video lesson.
The Math League
The Math League: Figures and Polygons
This site provides definitions of different types of polygons and figures.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Elem Math: Classifying All Types of Triangles by Lengths of Sides
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students watch a video overview and attempt practice problems on classifying triangles based on length of sides.