Dilations on the Coordinate Plane
Dilations from the origin have a multiplicative effect on the coordinates of a point. Pupils use the method of finding the image of a point on a ray after a dilation to find a short cut. Classmates determine the short cut of being...
College Board
So Much Data, So Little Time
Organizing data in a statistics class is often a challenge. A veteran statistics teacher shares data organization tips in a lesson resource. The instructor shows how to group data to link to individual calculators in a more efficient...
Radford University
How High Can You Throw?
Find heights by measuring time. Teams collect data to determine the height that a tennis ball is thrown. Classmates measure the height of the initial release of the ball and how long it stays aloft. Using a projectile motion equation,...
Solving Exponential Equations
Use the resource to teach methods for solving exponential equations. Scholars solve exponential equations using logarithms in the twenty-fifth installment of a 35-part module. Equations of the form ab^(ct) = d and f(x) = g(x) are...
Howard County Schools
Planning for Prom
Make the most of your prom—with math! Pupils write and use a quadratic model to determine the optimal price of prom tickets. After determining the costs associated with the event, learners use a graph to analyze the break even point(s).
West Contra Costa Unified School District
Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
Scholars first learn the definitions of the sine ratio, the cosine ratio, and the tangent ratio. After mastering these definitions, they use the new information to solve triangles.
Bytes Arithmetic
Geometry Pad+
Graphing paper, pencil, ruler, protractor, and compass, all get replaced or supplemented with this dynamic geometry application. Here, you can create, move, and scale many different shapes, as well as, explore and change their properties...
Mathed Up!
Young mathematicians read, interpret, and complete a variety of real-world pictograms. Each question includes a key and information to complete the graphs.
Perimeter and Area of Polygonal Regions in the Cartesian Plane
How many sides does that polygon have? Building directly from lesson number eight in this series, learners now find the area and perimeter of any polygon on the coordinate plane. They decompose the polygons into triangles and use Green's...
Piecewise and Step Functions in Context
Looking for an application for step functions? This activity uses real data to examine piecewise step functions. Groups create a list of data from varying scenarios and create a model to use to make recommendations to increase...
Creating and Solving Quadratic Equations in One Variable
Give your classes practice at modeling using quadratic models with a resource that uses area and integer problems to allow individuals to create second degree polynomials. Young mathematicians solve equations using factoring and then...
Statistics Education Web
The Case of the Careless Zookeeper
Herbivores and carnivores just don't get along. Using a box of animal crackers, classes collect data about the injury status of herbivores and carnivores in the box. They complete the process of chi-square testing on the data from...
CK-12 Foundation
Linear Programming: Bakers' Dilemma
Place the pies in a line. Pupils create a graph of a system of linear inequalities to represent the number of pies a bakery can make. Learners analyze the vertices on the graph to determine the number of pies they can bake without...
CK-12 Foundation
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Take the tediousness out of finding solutions of inequalities by graphing. Individuals use an interactive that allows them to adjust a system of inequalities on a coordinate plane. Using the interactive helps find solutions to systems of...
Concord Consortium
The Line and the Ellipse
What do a line and an ellipse have in common? Maybe zero, one, or two points! Learners consider the equation of an ellipse and a line to determine if their graphs have any shared points. They then write a system of equations, including...
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Ratio Relations
At this rate, the class will be experts on ratios and rates in no time. A class workbook teaches individuals about ratio language, using tables and tape diagrams to find equivalent ratios, and solving ratio problems. They then discover...
101 Questions
Would you rather have a bowl of dimes or a bowl of quarters? A video introduces the problem by presenting two bowls, one full of quarters and another full of dimes. Learners use information from a CoinStar receipt to calculate the number...
Illustrative Mathematics
Random Walk III
Don't cross the line; just walk along it. Scholars investigate a scenario in which a person starts at zero on a number line, then moves left or right depending on a flip of a coin. They determine the number of outcomes for six flips,...
Teach Engineering
Penny Perfect Properties (Solid-Liquid Interations)
I can get more water to stay on a penny than you can! Collaborative pairs determine the volume of liquids that can be contained on the surface of copper pennies and plastic coins. The pairs analyze their results using graphs and go on to...
Mathematics Assessment Project
Funsize Cans
Designing fun-size cans ... what fun! Class members use the provided questions to determine the dimensions of a can with a minimum surface area for a given volume. The task allows learners to use graphs or algebraic manipulation to...
Statistics Education Web
Who Sends the Most Text Messages?
The way you use statistics can tell different stories about the same set of data. Here, learners use sets of data to determine which person sends the most text messages. They use random sampling to collect their data and calculate a...
CK-12 Foundation
Newton's Method
Does the accuracy of the first guess make a difference down the line? Learners investigate the effects of the iterative process of finding roots, using Newton's Method. By moving the initial guess of a root on a graph, pupils observe the...
The “WhatPower” Function
The Function That Shall Not Be Named? The eighth installment of a 35-part module uses a WhatPower function to introduce scholars to the concept of a logarithmic function without actually naming the function. Once pupils are...
Virginia Department of Education
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series
Examine the importance of sequence and series through contextual situations. Here, learners partake in a five-day unit that begins with the basics of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. As it progresses, pupils apply the...