Sophia Learning
Sophia: Space Science: Bill Nye: Weightless Clothespin
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing the world of science straight to your fingertips. Become the commander of your own learning experiences as you take part in this interactive experiment.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Space Science: Bill Nye: Orbiting Marbles
Created to teach students of the 21st century, SOPHIA is bringing outer space straight to your fingertips. Become the commander of your own learning experiences as you take part in this interactive experiment.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Anti Gravity Mirror
Using the property of reflection, this activity will have students appearing to defy gravity.
Center of Science and Industry
Cosi Columbus: Balloon Rockets [Pdf]
Science experiment that demonstrates Newton's Third Law by launching rockets made out of balloons. Includes full list of materials, procedures, and scientific explanation of what causes balloons to shoot forward and how you can make them...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Building the Tallest Tower
Skyscrapers are impressive structures. What does it take to design a building so tall? Engineers use strong materials and innovative design to push the limits of gravity. In this experiment you will use LEGO components, rubber balls, and...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: How Does the Intensity of Light Change With Distance?
How far would you have to travel so that the light of the full sun would provide "daylight" no brighter than twilight on Earth? This project describes a method to verify the inverse square law: how light, sound, electrical signals, and...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Plants Are on the Move! A Study of Gravitropism
As we humans zip from place to place, we often forget to stop and smell the roses. Compared to our fast-paced lifestyle, plants seem rooted to the spot. Don't be deceived by appearances however, plants are on the move. This experiment...
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Gravity in Action
Here is a hands-on experiment that lets you discover how and why gravity works by making your own little parachutes.
Bill Nye
Bill Nye: Falling for Science
Try this at-home science experiment to learn about acceleration due to gravity.
Science Fun for Everyone
Science Fun: Egg Drop
Learn about inertia with this egg drop science experiment. Try not to crack too many eggs!
Steve Spangler Science: Soda Bottle Prank
This resource demonstrates atmospheric pressure using a soda bottle and water.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Hand Held Heat Engine
Can you defy the force of gravity by making liquid in a toy rise and fall without turning it over? This experiment will show you how to use hand boiler that uses temperature and pressure to move liquid into the top chamber.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Soap Film Painting
Investigate the constructive and destructive interference of waves as they reflect off the front and back surfaces of soap film. See what colorful effects can be created on a large, vertical soap film surface where gravity comes into play.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Falling Rhythm
An engineering design process project for students to create a regular rhythm of beats by spacing weights along a string and then dropping the string.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: How Do Roots Grow When the Direction of Gravity Changes?
To start this experiment, you should bring all of your materials together on a flat work surface. The surface might get a little wet, so have some paper towels handy.
Bill Nye
Bill Nye: Barometer in a Bottle
Try this at-home science experiment to learn how to build your own barometer.
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv: Do It: Balancing Act
An experiment kids can do at home to discover how the center of gravity can affect whether things will balance or not.
Hunkins Experiments
Hunkin's Experiments: See if a Ring Is Pure Gold
Hunkin's Experiments is a group of simple cartoon illustrations of scientific principles. Some would work well in the classroom, but others have little value beyond entertaining students. All of the projects are easy to do. This one...
Pbs Kids: Dragonfly Tv Try This!
A collection of simple experiments your students will enjoy! Each activity only requires a few household items, and will certainly spark the creativity in young scientists!
National Science Digital Library: Smile: Make and Fly a Helicopter
Sourced by Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry, students and educators will engage in building a helicopter and making it fly. Adaptations of extra weight or shortening blades will alter flight abilities making for an exciting...
Bill Nye
Bill Nye: Barometer in a Bottle
This tutorial by Bill Nye explains how to make a simple barometer using a jar and a balloon. The barometer is an old and accurate first look at predicting the weather by examining the pressure of the atmosphere. Discover how atmospheric...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: The Great Egg Drop: Relationship Between Gravity, Mass and Density
An interesting experiment in the relationship between gravity, density, and mass. Middle schoolers must devise a way to drop a milk carton containing two raw eggs off a roof 50 feet high, without breaking the eggs. They then write a...
Bill Nye
Bill Nye: Twistin' Tornado
This experiment with Bill Nye explains how to make a tornado in a bottle.
Bill Nye
Bill Nye: Penny Droplets
This tutorial by Bill Nye introduces the concept of a cohesive force through an experiment involving a penny and droplets of soapy water.