Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: How Greenhouse Gases Absorb Heat
In this experiment students observe two model atmospheres: one with normal atmospheric composition and another with an elevated concentration of CO2. These two contained atmospheres will be exposed to light energy in a sunny window or...
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Nagt: Demonstrating Climate Change and the Water Cycle
Demonstration of the greenhouse effect and its role in climate change, discussion of the phases of water and the water cycle, and a hands-on experiment to investigate the role of temperature in phase changes of water.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Virtual Ballooning to Explore the Atmosphere Activity
In this computer-based virtual lab, students will learn about the layers of Earth's atmosphere by launching virtual balloons to collect temperature and pressure data at various altitudes. Given a limited number of balloon flights,...