Nezar: Stories, Articles, and News in Arabic
Though most of the short stories here are incomplete (to be completed at a later date), the articles are complete. The author has also included some links to Arabic-language news sites, as well as his own lessons on learning French....
Teachnology: Teacher Guide to Publishing and Book Making
With the proper computer equipment and desktop publishing software students can create professional level newsletters, brochures and advertising documents. This site provides lesson plans and software tutorials for bringing desktop...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Printing Your Own Money
Lesson outlining a class fundraiser where students design and create their own print to use to make greeting cards.
Abcteach: Valentine's Day Activities
[Free Registration/Login Required] How do you plan on celebrating Valentine's Day in your classroom? This resource provides links to activities and information that will aid you in your planning. This site features crossword puzzle, math...
Class Flow: Beginning Latin Quiz Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a review of the first lessons in Charleston Latin which is used to teach Latin to children. Students need to have a knowledge of the words used for: teacher, student, greetings, and locating...
The Virtual Vine: Be My Valentine Unit
Here you will find a cross-curricular Valentine's Day unit! The unit includes a booklist, project ideas, and Valentine's Day songs.