Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Simple Harmonic Motion: A Special Periodic Motion
By the end of this section, you will be able to describe a simple harmonic oscillator and relate physical characteristics of a vibrating system to aspects of simple harmonic motion and any resulting waves.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Harmonic Motion
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Students explore periodic motion and simple harmonic motion by watching video clips, manipulating interactives, and solving practice problems.
University of New South Wales (Australia)
University of New South Wales: School of Physics:physclip:simple Harmonic Motion
Physiclips thoroughly presents simple harmonic motion with animations and film clips.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Uniform Circular Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion
By the end of this section, you will be able to compare simple harmonic motion with uniform circular motion.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Simple Harmonic Motion
Students explore simple harmonic motion. Some topics examined in the activities are simple harmonic motion, oscillatory motion, and Hooke's law. The resource consists of video clips, lecture notes, practice problems, and exam questions....
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics: Harmonic Motion Study Guide
Explore and review harmonic motion with this illustrated guide.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Physics 1: Simple Harmonic Motion
In this unit, students will discover the period of time of one oscillation, the frequency of oscillation, the object displacement, its velocity, and its acceleration. They will also discover how to apply the principles of conservation of...
Wikipedia: Simple Harmonic Motion
Wikipedia offers great information on simple harmonic motion, including an image, formulas, and hyperlinked terms.
Ucsc Electronic Music Studios: Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple harmonic motion is described and explained and related to a Helmholtz resonator. Relation between simple harmonic motion and a vibrating air column is clearly made in an effort to explain why a pop bottle resonates when blowing...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Simple Harmonic Motion
This activity assesses students' knowledge and understanding of simple harmonic motion.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Simple Harmonic Motion: Find Speed, Velocity, Displace From Graphs
Practice finding speed, velocity, and distance traveled for an oscillator from graphs of simple harmonic motion.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Energy and the Simple Harmonic Oscillator
By the end of this section, you will be able to describe the changes in energy that occur while a system undergoes simple harmonic motion.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Oscillatory Motion and Waves: Damped Harmonic Motion
By the end of this section, you will be able to compare and discuss underdamped and overdamped oscillating systems and explain critically damped systems.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Harmonic Motion
In this activity, students learn about the differential equations used to model the simple harmonic motion of a block attached to a spring. They study the effect of air resistance on the motion and create an animation to describe its...
Yale University
Open Yale Courses: Physics 200: Simple Harmonic Motion
This lecture on simple harmonic motion includes descriptions of amplitude, frequency and period. The lecture comes in several formats including video, audio and transcript.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Guitar Jingle: Discovering the Locations of Harmonics
In this music science fair project, students will discover the locations of harmonics on an acoustic guitar and relate them to guitar string lengths.
Exploratorium: Cross Reference: Harmonic Motion
A page which cross-references various museum exhibits pertaining to harmonic motion. Page also contains an animation depicting the sinusoidal nature of simple harmonic motion.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Understanding the Motion of a Harmonic Oscillator
An interactive lecture demonstration where students are guided to a full conceptual understanding of harmonic motion. This lecture and collection of demonstrations and simulations are intended for introducing the concepts of wave...
Pennsylvania State University
Kettering University: The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
The motion of three simple harmonic oscillators is animated to illustrate the effects of mass and spring constant upon the motion. Several equations and a lengthy discussion accompany the animations.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Up and Down: Damped Harmonic Motion
In this activity, students' will use a motion detector to record the motion data for a plate bouncing at the end of a light spring, and analyze the data to determine frequency, period and amplitude. They will then find an appropriate...
Learn AP Physics
Learn Ap Physics: Physics B: Oscillatory Motion
A site dedicated to help students prepare for the AP Physics B test. This specific site reviews oscillatory motion including simple harmonic motion, Hooke's law, harmonic motion, pendulum, and springs. Site contains links to video...
Teach Engineering: Into the Swing of Things
Students learn the basic properties of periodic and harmonic motion, and how the rearrangement of the simple pendulum equation can be used to solve for gravitational acceleration, pendulum length, and gravity. At lesson end, students are...
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Waves: Harmonics and Patterns
This illustrated physics tutorial helps students understand harmonics and wave patterns.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Oscillatory Motion and Waves: Conceptual Questions
This is a list of 18 questions covering the major concepts in Chapter 16: Oscillatory Motion and Waves from the AP Physics online text.