McGraw Hill
Glencoe Health and Fitness: Health Quests: Stop Substance Abuse
Spread the word about the risks of tobacco and drug abuse and learn basic HTML at the same time. Use the links provided by this site to learn facts about addiction.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer
This site from Intelihealth provides a thorough overview of gallbladder and bile duct cancer. Includes information on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and much more.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Pancreatic Cancer
This site from Intelihealth provides a thorough overview of pancreatic cancer. Includes information on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and much more.
Stanford University
Stanford University: Alcohol, Tobacco Staples of Movies
This site from Stanford University shows how you can learn how the entertainment industry sends both positive and negative messages concerning substance use through movies and music. This article summarizes government research that...
Curated OER
Kids Health: What You Need to Know About Drugs
Students are curious about drugs and this is a simple site that delves into what they need to know: what drugs are good and what drugs are harmful, what are illegal drugs, like heroin and marijuana, and why are they illegal. The authors...
Children, Youth and Women's Health Service: Kids' Health: Smoking
Learn why people smoke and about the effects of smoking.
Other Education Resources
Detailed information about individual drugs. Targets students, parents, teachers, law enforcement officials, and health professionals.
Department of Health and Human Services: Straight Talk About Alcohol
Learn the effects of alcohol and ways to say no in a no-nonsense approach.
Pbs Kids: It's My Life: Body: Smoking: The Smoking Scene
Get the facts straight about the hazards of smoking. Take interactive quizzes, participate in virtual teen surveys, and read answers to current questions about tobacco use.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Bam! Body and Mind: Teacher's Corner: Effects of Smoking on the Body [Pdf]
Learners study the effects smoking tobacco has on the major organs of the human body. They also develop a presentation to persuade others to not start the smoking habit.
American Lung Association: General Smoking Facts
This page discusses facts and statistics on smoking, both in the United States and world-wide. Areas addressed include the thousands of chemicals in cigarettes, rates of lung disease in smokers, smoking-related health conditions, smoking...
Curated OER
Kids Health: Heroin
Use this chart from Kids Health as a quick reference to information about heroin. Find out how it is used, what it's called, where it comes from, and what it does to your body.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: Secondhand Smoke
Use this site to learn why a "Burning cigarette is a health risk to everyone in the same room." This web-article describes the various hazards associated with secondhand smoke and includes information on its effect on children. Also,...
Department of Health and Human Services: Straight Talk About Drugs
Just as the title implies, this is a straight forward approach for kids to learn the effects of drugs directed towards girls.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Brain Power! The Nida Junior Scientist Program
This program uses scientific techniques to examine how drugs effect the brain. Its ultimate goal is to present learners with the negative effects of substance abuse and show the benefits of staying substance free. Each of the lessons...
Smoking and Minorities
This web-article addresses the effects of gearing the advertising of tobacco products to minority communities. Examines the 1997 tobacco settlement. Author uses statistics to support his/her argument.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Kids and Smoking
Providing reasons why kids pick up smoking despite what we know about tobacco, this website from Kids Health offers good information about the social pressures that cause kids to start using tobacco.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Nida: Information on Common Drugs of Abuse
A comprehensive look at common drugs, including a link to each drug where you can find research reports, infofacts, publications, and notes.
Children Now: Talking With Kids About Tough Issues: Drugs and Alcohol
Parents are given the confidence to discuss with students difficult issues like drugs, violence, and alcohol. Topics included are talking with kids about alcohol and drugs. Discussion topics and answers to common questions are outlined.
Mind: Understanding the Psychological Effects of Street Drugs
Information about the dangerous psychological effects of drugs and alcohol.