Stanford University
Sheg: Document Based History: Reading Like a Historian: Zoot Suit Riots
[Free Registration/Login Required] Like other big cities, Los Angeles has had its share of unrest, even riots in some instances. In this lesson, the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 are investigated to figure out what caused the event.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: "American Blood on American Soil"
President James Polk's desire was for the United States to stretch from sea to shining sea. See what happened when his overatures to Mexico to buy the land north of the Rio Grande River were spurned. Take a brief vote to see if Polk was...
Son of the South
Son of the South: The History of Texas: Battle of Medina
Written in the style of a narrative of events, read the stories surrounding the Battle of Medina in the Mexican War for Independence from Spain.
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Texas State Library and Archives Commission: Stephen F. Austin
Read this short biography of Stephen F. Austin, complete with links to primary documents involving the empresario known as "The Father of Texas."
US Department of State
Bureau of International Information Programs: History Outline: Sectionalism
Article reviews several conditions of American society that sowed the seeds of civil war, particularly slavery and sectional conflict.
Texas Public Broadcasting
Texas Pbs: Texas Our Texas: Early Statehood 1845 1861
Examines the circumstances surrounding Texas's entry into the Union in 1845 as a slave state. It was an uneasy union, with ongoing controversy around the issue of slavery. This lasted through the Mexican-American War and helped to...
A&E Television The Apache Woman Warrior Who Helped Lead Resistance to European Invaders
A lesser-known warrior, Lozen, an Apache, or Nde, woman also resisted European domination. Known for her bravery, military prowess, and dedication to her people's safety during a tumultuous period in Apache history, Lozen was a warrior...
Siteseen: American Historama: Us and the Mexican Revolution
This article contains history and detailed facts about United States intervention and involvement in the Mexican Revolution (1910 - 1920).
University of Texas at Austin
Center for American History: Texas, Texans, and the Alamo
This is an online exhibit of photographs and other momentos from throughout the colonization of the Mexican territory as well as during the war.
Oakland Museum of California
Gold Rush: California on the Eve Californios
This resource presents information about the Spanish influence in California before the Gold Rush.
Miwok Yokut Raids Into Mexican California, 1830 1840
A history of the Yokut Indians and Wars that followed with changes in Hispanic California.
Pbs: New Perspectives on the West
This in-depth resource presents a history of the American West from pre-Columbian times until World War I with profiles, documents, and images. It encourages visitors to link these into patterns of historical meaning for themselves....
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: Biographies: Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
Brief biography of Texas historical writer includes helpful information regarding Texas history of the 19th century.
Curated OER
President James L. Polk
The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco displays the history of the Mexican-American War, including an explanation of border changes in the California and Mexico areas. It also discusses the idea of Manifest Destiny.
Curated OER
Photograph of Zachary Taylor
The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco displays the history of the Mexican-American War, including an explanation of border changes in the California and Mexico areas. It also discusses the idea of Manifest Destiny.