National Human Genome Research Institute
National Human Genome Research Institute: Research Funding
This site has various resources and articles about research funding for the National Human Genome Research Institute.
Human Genome Sequencing Center (Baylor College of Med)
Resource presents information about the human genome sequencing project and has links to other genome projects besides the Human Genome Project.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Genome Project Information Archive
This reosurce from the Human Genome Project of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides links to all the information you ever wanted to know regarding the Human Genome Project.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Human Genome
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] An introduction to the human genome and the Human Genome Project.
National Institutes of Health
Ncbi: Human Genome Resources
This site covers information on all the human chromosomes, has interesting illustrations as well.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ornl: Human Genome Project Resources
Many different resources can be accessed through this page from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A valuable reference page for teachers and students.
Berkley Drosophila Genome Project
This site is dedicated to the mapping of the fruit fly (drosophila) genome.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Biology: The Human Genome: Self Check Quiz
Take this quick self-checking, multiple-choice question quiz over the human genome.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: Dna Is Only the Beginning
The human genome project was established to determine the sequence of DNA bases that are found in each human cell. Understanding what the resulting proteins do is an entirely different project. This page is about how we are trying to...
The Human Genome Organisation
This is HUGO's website, it contains vital information on the Human Genome Project.
Pbs Learning Media: Dna on the Witness Stand
Dr. Eric Lander of the Human Genome Project explains the use of DNA as forensic evidence. He describes the process and need for standards in testing laboratories and discusses the use of DNA evidence as a human rights tool.
Open Curriculum
Open Curriculum: Dna Technology
This article will help students define DNA technology, the Human Genome Project, and PCR.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna From the Beginning: A Genome Is an Entire Set of Genes
This multimedia article includes animations, pictures, video, biographical information, and quiz questions that are accessed by clicking on buttons along the bottom of the page. The topic is the human genome.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ornl: Genomics and Its Impact on Science
This site from the Human Genome Project for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the index page for chapters which include an introduction to genes, the mapping sequence of genes, and the impact and future of the Human Genome Project.
Australian Genome Research Facility (Home Page)
This is the homepage of the Austrialian Genome Research Facility. It is dedicated to the sequencing of DNA and understanding genetics.
US Department of Energy
Doe: Joint Genome Institute
This Department of Energy site has up-to-date information and statistics on the progress of all JGI genome sequencing projects.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dna Interactive: Teacher Guide
Teacher resource page provides links to additional teacher materials, the six units, student worksheets and templates that can be used as teachers and students work through the DNA Interactive site.
American Academy of Achievement
Academy of Achievement: James D. Watson, ph.d.
A biography of James Dewey Watson who, along with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA. They were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1962. Watson was later the first person to lead the Human Genome Project....
National Human Genome Research Institute
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program
This is the official division for researching the implications of the Human Genome Project. Find out about topics being discussed involving the ethics of the program, how it is socially accepted, and what sort of legislature is involved...
Biotechnology Institute
Biotechnology Institute: Your World: Cracking the Code of Life [Pdf]
The Biotechnology Institute, in conjunction with a special titled, "Cracking the Code of Life" from NOVA/WGBH television, presents this issue dedicated to explorations of the human genome, one of the most exciting and provocative areas...
Pbs Learning Media: The Sequencing Race Begins
This video segment from NOVA: "Cracking the Code of Life" looks at one of the key players in the race to decode the human genome.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: Reproduction, the Genome and Gene Expression
This lesson focuses on DNA including it's structure,components,and how it goes together to form genomes. It also provides to links to a video and a test.
Pbs News Hour Extra: Genomes Offer Murkey Clues to Personality
This article covers the new ways science has discovered to read genomes and decipher particular traits in humans. Classroom worksheet with discussion questions available. January 29, 2009
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Computational Exploration of Protein Function
The DNA in our cells contains our "blueprints," but it's the proteins in our cells that do most of the work. The Human Genome Project has allowed us to start reading the blueprints, but we still don't understand what most of the proteins...