Curated OER
Caras Wait to Enter Jefferson Parish Near New Orleans
Article that discusses the formation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, the return home of many who were evacuated by Hurricane Katrina, continued and flooding problems. A video report accompanies this article. Article is from September,...
Curated OER
Bbc: Hard Task of Draining New Orleans
September, 2005, article tracing the draining of the flooded New Orleans and the repairing of the levee system devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Curated OER
Helicopter Drops Sandbag on the 17th Street Canal
September, 2005, article tracing the draining of the flooded New Orleans and the repairing of the levee system devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Curated OER
Bbc: Rebuilding New Orleans
New Orleans considers how to rebuild the levee system that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maps of New Orleans and the levee system are available. Article is from January, 2006.
Curated OER
Bbc: Rebuilding New Orleans
New Orleans considers how to rebuild the levee system that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maps of New Orleans and the levee system are available. Article is from January, 2006.
Curated OER
Patched Up Levee
New Orleans considers how to rebuild the levee system that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maps of New Orleans and the levee system are available. Article is from January, 2006.
Curated OER
Bbc: Rebuilding New Orleans
New Orleans considers how to rebuild the levee system that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maps of New Orleans and the levee system are available. Article is from January, 2006.
Curated OER
New Orleans Resident
New Orleans considers how to rebuild the levee system that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Maps of New Orleans and the levee system are available. Article is from January, 2006.
Curated OER
A Casino Barge Sits on Land Across a Motorway in Biloxi
BBC News page that features news story links categorized by the areas of the Gulf Coast devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
Bbc: New Orleans Violence 'Overstated'
Amid reports that there was an increase in crime and violence in New Orleans during in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this September 2005 article contends that those reports were exaggerated.
Curated OER
Damaged House Flying the American Flag in New Orleans
New Orleans, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, has a new disaster plan. Mayor Ray Nagin, who was criticized for the local government's response during Hurricane Katrina, approved the updated plan. Article is from May, 2006.
Curated OER
Sign Outside the Convention Center
Amid reports that there was an increase in crime in violence in New Orleans during in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this September, 2005, article contends that those reports were exaggerated.
Curated OER
Helicopter Crewman Protecting New Orleans Evacuee From Winds of Landing Chopper
News article detailing the military presence in New Orleans, as well as the continued rescue and evacuation effort. The conditions in the Superdome are also discussed. Video report is also available. Report is from September, 2005.
Curated OER
Bbc: Police Told to Clear New Orleans
As New Orleans remains underwater, fears of pollution, health hazards, and safety moves Mayor Ray Nagin to order a mandatory evacuation of the city. Photos accompany the September, 2005, article.
Curated OER
George W Bush Sees Better Budget Times Ahead
Detailed Q & A article discussing the economic impact of Hurricane Katrina. Article is from September, 2005.
Curated OER
Bbc: Thousands Return to New Orleans
Article that discusses the formation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, the return home of many who were evacuated by Hurricane Katrina, continued and flooding problems. A video report accompanies this article. Article is from September,...